[Python-ideas] Why is design-by-contracts not widely adopted?

Marko Ristin-Kaufmann marko.ristin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 03:10:21 EDT 2018

Hi Chris,

> * There are always contracts, they can be either implicit or explicit.
> You need always to figure them out before you call a function or use its
> result.
> Not all code has such contracts. You could argue that code which does
> not is inferior to code which does, but not everything follows a
> strictly-definable pattern.

Well, you need to know what to supply to a function and what to expect, at
least subconsciously. The question is just whether you can formulate these
contracts or not; and whether you do or not.

> * The are tools for formal contracts.
> That's the exact point you're trying to make, so it isn't evidence for
> itself. Tools for formal contracts exist as third party in Python, and
> if that were good enough for you, we wouldn't be discussing this.
> There are no such tools in the standard library or language that make
> formal contracts easy.

The original objection was that DbC in general is not beneficial; not that
there are lacking tools for it (this probably got lost in the many messages
on this thread). If you assume that there are no suitable tools for DbC,
then yes, DbC is certainly *not *beneficial to any project since using it
will be clumsy and difficult. It's a chicken-and-egg problem, so we need to
assume that there are good tools for DbC in order for it to be beneficial.

Disagreed. I would most certainly NOT assume that every reader knows
> any particular syntax for such contracts. However, this is a weaker
> point.

The contracts are written as boolean expressions. While I agree that many
programmers have a hard time with boolean expressions and quantifiers, I
don't see this as a blocker to DbC. There is no other special syntax for
DbC unless we decide to add it to the core language (which I don't see as
probable). What I would like to have is a standard library so that
inter-library interactions based on contracts are possible and an ecosystem
could emerge around it.

Quite some people object that DbC should be rejected as their "average
programmer Joe/Jane" can't deal with the formal expressions. Some readers
have problems parsing "all(i > 0 for i in result) or len(result) < 3" and
can only parse "All numbers in the result are positive and/or the result
has fewer than 3 items". There are also programmers who have a hard time
reading "all(key == value.some_property for key, value in result.items())"
and could only read "The resulting values in the dictionary are keyed by
their some_property attribute.".

I hope that education in computer science is improving and that soon
programmers will be able to read these formal expressions. I'm also not
sure if that is the case for non-English speakers. Hence I assumed that the
readers of the contracts are familiar with formal boolean expressions. If
you assume that readers have hard time parsing quantifiers and boolean
logic then DbC is again certainly not beneficial.

It would make me sad if a feature is rejected on grounds that we have to
accept that many programmers don't master the basics of computer science
(which I consider the boolean expressions to be).

You might argue that a large proportion of PyPI projects will be
> "library-style" packages, where the main purpose is to export a bunch
> of functions. But even then, I'm not certain that they'd all benefit
> from DbC.

Thanks for this clarification (and the download-yt example)! I actually
only had packages-as-libraries in mind, not the executable scripts; my
mistake. So, yes, "any Pypi package" should be reformulated to "any library
on Pypi" (meant to be used by a wider audience than the developers

People have said the same thing about type checking, too. Would
> *every* project on PyPI benefit from MyPy's type checks? No. Syntax
> for them was added, not because EVERYONE should use them, but  because
> SOME will use them, and it's worth having some language support. You
> would probably do better to argue along those lines than to try to
> claim that every single project ought to be using contracts.

I totally agree. The discussion related to DbC in my mind always revolved
around these use cases where type annotations are beneficial as well.
Thanks for pointing that out and I'd like to apologize for the confusion!
For the future discussion, let's focus on these use cases and please do
ignore the rest. I'd still say that there is a plethora of libraries
published on Pypi (Is there a way to find out the stats?).

but I'm still -0.5 on adding anything of the sort to the stdlib, as I
> don't yet see that *enough* projects would actually benefit.

Please see my previous message -- could you maybe say what would convince
you that enough projects would actually benefit from formal contracts?


On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 07:40, Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 2:47 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
> <marko.ristin at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Chris,
> >
> >> An extraordinary claim is like "DbC can improve *every single project*
> >> on PyPI". That requires a TON of proof. Obviously we won't quibble if
> >> you can only demonstrate that 99.95% of them can be improved, but you
> >> have to at least show that the bulk of them can.
> >
> >
> > I tried to give the "proof" (not a formal one, though) in my previous
> message.
> (Formal proof isn't necessary here; we say "extraordinary proof", but
> it'd be more accurate to say "extraordinary evidence".)
> > The assumptions are that:
> > * There are always contracts, they can be either implicit or explicit.
> You need always to figure them out before you call a function or use its
> result.
> Not all code has such contracts. You could argue that code which does
> not is inferior to code which does, but not everything follows a
> strictly-definable pattern.
> > * Figuring out contracts by trial-and-error and reading the code (the
> implementation or the test code) is time consuming and hard.
> Agreed.
> > * The are tools for formal contracts.
> That's the exact point you're trying to make, so it isn't evidence for
> itself. Tools for formal contracts exist as third party in Python, and
> if that were good enough for you, we wouldn't be discussing this.
> There are no such tools in the standard library or language that make
> formal contracts easy.
> > * The contracts written in documentation as human text inevitably rot
> and they are much harder to maintain than automatically verified formal
> contracts.
> Agreed.
> > * The reader is familiar with formal statements, and hence reading
> formal statements is faster than reading the code or trial-and-error.
> Disagreed. I would most certainly NOT assume that every reader knows
> any particular syntax for such contracts. However, this is a weaker
> point.
> So I'll give you two and two halves for that. Good enough to make do.
> > I then went on to show why I think, under these assumptions, that formal
> contracts are superior as a documentation tool and hence beneficial. Do you
> think that any of these assumptions are wrong? Is there a hole in my
> logical reasoning presented in my previous message? I would be very
> grateful for any pointers!
> >
> > If these assumptions hold and there is no mistake in my reasoning,
> wouldn't that qualify as a proof?
> >
> It certainly qualifies as proof that SOME code MAY benefit from
> contracts. It does not reach the much higher bar to support the claim
> that "there are X projects on PyPI and every single one of them would
> benefit". For instance, would youtube-dl benefit from DbC? To most
> people, it's an application, not a library. Even if you're invoking it
> from within a Python script, it's usually easiest to use the main
> entrypoint rather than delve into its internals. Case in point:
> https://github.com/Rosuav/MegaClip/blob/master/megaclip.py#L71
> It's actually easier to shell out to a subprocess than to call on
> youtube-dl as a library. Would DbC benefit youtube-dl's internal
> functions? Maybe, but that's for the youtube-dl people to decide; it
> wouldn't in the slightest benefit my app.
> You might argue that a large proportion of PyPI projects will be
> "library-style" packages, where the main purpose is to export a bunch
> of functions. But even then, I'm not certain that they'd all benefit
> from DbC. Some would, and you've definitely made the case for that;
> but I'm still -0.5 on adding anything of the sort to the stdlib, as I
> don't yet see that *enough* projects would actually benefit.
> People have said the same thing about type checking, too. Would
> *every* project on PyPI benefit from MyPy's type checks? No. Syntax
> for them was added, not because EVERYONE should use them, but  because
> SOME will use them, and it's worth having some language support. You
> would probably do better to argue along those lines than to try to
> claim that every single project ought to be using contracts.
> ChrisA
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