[Python-ideas] Why is design-by-contracts not widely

Marko Ristin-Kaufmann marko.ristin at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 13:49:00 EDT 2018

Hi Hugh,

Software projects, in any language, never have enough time to do everything.
> By your own example, the Python developers of numpy, OpenCV, nlk, and
> sklearn; *who most certainly weren't writing contracts;* produced better
> quality
> software than the Eiffel equivalent developers who (I assume) did use DbC.
> Shouldn't the Eiffel developers be changing their development method, not
> the Python developers?

(emphasis mine)

This is *absolutely* *not true* as you can notice if you multiply any two
matrices of wrong dimensions in numpy or opencv (or use them as weights in

For example, have a look at OpenCV functions. *Most of them include
preconditions and postconditions *(*e.g., *
I would even go as far to claim that OpenCV would be unusable without the
contracts. Imagine if you had to figure out the dimensions of the matrix
after each operation if it were lacking in the documentation. That would
make the development sluggish as a snail.

Numpy provides contracts in text, *e.g. *see

Returns a view of the array with axes transposed.

For a 1-D array, this has no effect. (To change between column and row
vectors, first cast the 1-D array into a matrix object.) For a 2-D array,
this is the usual matrix transpose. For an n-D array, if axes are given,
their order indicates how the axes are permuted (see Examples). If axes are
not provided and a.shape = (i[0], i[1], ... i[n-2], i[n-1]), then
a.transpose().shape = (i[n-1], i[n-2], ... i[1], i[0]).

As you can see, there are three contracts: 1) no effect on 1D array, 2) if
a 2D array, it equals the matrix transpose, 3) if n-D array, the order of
axes indicates the permutation. The contract 3) is written out formally. It
might not be very clear or precise what is meant in 2) where formalizing it
(at least to a certain extent) would remove many doubts.

It is obvious to me that supplementing or replacing these contracts *in
text* with *formal *contracts (1 and 2, since 3 is already formal) is
extremely beneficial since: a) many developers use numpy and an improvement
in documentation (such as higher precision and clarity) has a large impact
on the users and b) enforcing the contracts automatically (be it only
during testing or in production) prevents bugs related to contract
violation in numpy such that the users can effectively rely on the
contracts. The argument b) is important since now I just rely that these
statements are true whenever I use numpy. If there is an error in numpy it
takes a long time to figure out since I doubt the last that there is an
error in numpy and especially it takes even longer that I suspect numpy of
not satisfying its written contracts.

Please mind that contracts can be toggled on/off whenever the performance
is important so that slow execution is not an argument against the formal


On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 14:01, Hugh Fisher <hugo.fisher at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 09:46:16 +0200
> > From: Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <marko.ristin at gmail.com>
> > To: Python-Ideas <python-ideas at python.org>
> > Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Why is design-by-contracts not widely
> >         adopted?
> [munch]
> > Python is easier to write and read, and there are no libraries which are
> > close in quality in Eiffel space (notably, Numpy, OpenCV, nltk and
> > sklearn). I really don't see how the quality of these libraries have
> > anything to do with lack (or presence) of the contracts. OpenCV and Numpy
> > have contracts all over their code (written as assertions and not
> > documented), albeit with very non-informative violation messages. And
> they
> > are great libraries. Their users would hugely benefit from a more mature
> > and standardized contracts library with informative violation messages.
> I would say the most likely outcome of adding Design by Contract would
> be no change in the quality or usefulness of these libraries, with a small
> but not insignificant chance of a decline in quality.
> Fred Brooks in his "No Silver Bullet" paper distinguished between essential
> complexity, which is the problem we try to solve with software, and
> accidental
> complexity, solving the problems caused by your tools and/or process that
> get in the way of solving the actual problem. "Yak shaving" is a similar,
> less
> formal term for accidental complexity, when you have to do something before
> you can do something before you can actually do some useful work.
> Adding new syntax or semantics to a programming language very often adds
> accidental complexity.
> C and Python (currently) are known as simple languages. When starting a
> programming project in C or Python, there's maybe a brief discussion about
> C99 or C11, or Python 3.5 or 3.6, but that's it. There's one way to do it.
> On the other hand C++ is notorious for having been designed with a shovel
> rather than a chisel. The people adding all the "features" were well
> intentioned,
> but it's still a mess. C++ programming projects often start by
> specifying exactly
> which bits of the language the programming team will be allowed to use.
> I've
> seen these reach hundreds of pages in length, consuming God knows how
> many hours to create, without actually creating a single line of useful
> software.
> I think a major reason that Design by Contract hasn't been widely adopted
> in the three decades since its introduction is because, mostly, it creates
> more accidental complexity than it reduces essential complexity, so the
> costs outweigh any benefits.
> Software projects, in any language, never have enough time to do
> everything.
> By your own example, the Python developers of numpy, OpenCV, nlk, and
> sklearn; who most certainly weren't writing contracts; produced better
> quality
> software than the Eiffel equivalent developers who (I assume) did use DbC.
> Shouldn't the Eiffel developers be changing their development method, not
> the Python developers?
> Maybe in a world with infinite resources contracts could be added to those
> Python packages, or everything in PyPi, and it would be an improvement.
> But we don't. So I'd like to see the developers of numpy etc keep doing
> whatever it is that they're doing now.
> --
>         cheers,
>         Hugh Fisher
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