[Python-ideas] Powerset

Nicolas Rolin nicolas.rolin at tiime.fr
Tue Oct 16 05:01:50 EDT 2018

Can we get an utilisation context ?
I don't think it belongs in the stdlib alone on the basis that its output
is not linear in the size of its input (but exponential), so it explode
even for a mid-sized list, which by nature limits greatly its usage.
The question would be wether or not it is used enough to push it to
itertools, which is pretty hard to decide with no examples.

2018-10-16 10:41 GMT+02:00 Hasan Diwan <hasan.diwan at gmail.com>:

> Pal,
> On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 01:36, Pål Grønås Drange <paal.drange at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I do however agree that there could be a powerset function there for
> convenience, but only +0.
> That is the best argument I could come up with to justify a
> set#powerset method. -- H
> --
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*Nicolas Rolin* | Data Scientist
+ 33 631992617 - nicolas.rolin at tiime.fr <prenom.nom at tiime.fr>

*15 rue Auber, **75009 Paris*
*www.tiime.fr <http://www.tiime.fr>*
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