[Python-ideas] Add "default" kwarg to list.pop()

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 20:22:12 EDT 2018

On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 11:19 AM Robert Vanden Eynde
<robertve92 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just English Vocabulary, what do you mean by "being in the air at the moment" ?
> Like, that's a subject that a lot of people in here like to talk ?

"Up in the air" means uncertain, subject to change.


In this case, the governance model for the Python language is being discussed.

> Yes, to merge or not to merge, but people can UpVote/DownVote can't they ? :D

Upvotes and downvotes don't mean anything. So, sure! It's like
upvoting or downvoting one of your country's laws... nobody's stopping
you (at least, I hope you live in a country where you're allowed to
express your likes and dislikes), but it doesn't change anything
unless you're one of the handful of people who actually make the


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