[Python-ideas] PEP 572 version 2: Statement-Local Name Bindings

Robert Vanden Eynde robertve92 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 10:03:31 EST 2018

+1 on extracting the big win for "if" and "while" (the regex case is
wonderul). It would be see as an "extended if/while" rather than a general
statement assignation.

+1 on list comprehensions, even if I prefer the
[(y, x/y) with y = f(x) for x in range(5)] or [(y, x/y) for x in range(5)
with y = f(x)] syntax (more close to "for y in [ f(x) ]".

Le 2 mars 2018 15:54, "Rhodri James" <rhodri at kynesim.co.uk> a écrit :

On 02/03/18 11:43, Chris Angelico wrote:

> After dozens of posts and a wide variety of useful opinions and
> concerns being raised, here is the newest version of PEP 572 for your
> debating pleasure.

I haven't said this yet, so thanks Chris for putting this all together.
Even if the result is a rejected PEP, at least we have everything in one


     # Compound statements usually enclose everything...
>      if (re.match(...) as m):
>          print(m.groups(0))
>      print(m) # NameError

This (and the equivalent in while loops) is the big win in the PEP, in my
opinion.  The number of ugly loops I've had to write in Python because I
can't write "while (something_to_do() as event):"...  +1 on this.

     # Using a statement-local name
>      stuff = [[(f(x) as y), x/y] for x in range(5)]

As Paul said, the asymmetry of this bothers me a lot.  It doesn't read
naturally to me. -1 on this.

1. What happens if the name has already been used? ``(x, (1 as x), x)``
>     Currently, prior usage functions as if the named expression did not
>     exist (following the usual lookup rules); the new name binding will
>     shadow the other name from the point where it is evaluated until the
>     end of the statement.  Is this acceptable?  Should it raise a syntax
>     error or warning?

I wouldn't worry too much about this case.  Anyone gratuitously reusing
names like that deserves all that will be coming to them.

Alternative proposals
> =====================
> 3. ``with... as``::
>         stuff = [(y, x/y) with f(x) as y for x in range(5)]
>     As per option 2, but using ``as`` in place of the equals sign. Aligns
>     syntactically with other uses of ``as`` for name binding, but a simple
>     transformation to for-loop longhand would create drastically different
>     semantics; the meaning of ``with`` inside a comprehension would be
>     completely different from the meaning as a stand-alone statement.

Honestly I prefer this syntax for comprehensions.  It doesn't read
perfectly but it's good enough (though I am a mathematician by original
training, so set notation works for me anyway), and the syntax is clear and

I'm not sure the case for fully general statement-local variables has been

So, counter-proposal(s):

1. Allow "(f() as a)" in the conditions of "if" and "while" statements,
after some arguing as to whether "a" is a special snowflake or just a
normal local variable.

2. Add a "with" clause to comprehensions to make comprehension-local
variables (presumably the same class of thing as the iteration variables).

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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