[Python-ideas] Redefining method

Chris Barker chris.barker at noaa.gov
Mon Jul 30 14:12:54 EDT 2018

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 9:10 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:

If you need to replace them for some reason, it will preferably be
> within a temporary bounded scope, using a tool like
> unittest.mock.patch, rather than as a permanent change that affects
> every other use of the class within the process.

 yup -- but you can still do a raw monkey-patch anyway. You asked for:

> Thank you for your question. You asked why not
> >> c = MyClass
> >> o = c()
> >>
> >> def c.foo(cls): ...

do you mean this? you want a classmethod? or is this what you mean? --
which you can do:

C = MyClass

def foo(self, some_param):

C.foo = foo

(note that I used a capital C -- capitalized names are traditional for
classes -- see PEP 8)

In that case, any existing, and new instances of the C class will now have
the foo method.

Also -- that line: C = MyClass -- binds the name "C" to the very same class
object as MyClass -- so you will have just monkey=patched MyClass -- I"m
guessing you didn't want that. If not, and you wanted C t be a copy of
MyClass that you could then change/add/remove methods from, then you want
subclassing -- that is exactly what it is for.

Then there is this:

> >> def o.bar(self): ...

which is monkey patching an instance object, which you can also do, but you
don't get a bound method -- i.e. it doesn't get self passed in


> > I've the same same query, but never had the courage to ask. So that
> > you for asking. And also giving me a chance to share my thoughts.
> It's essentially due to the fact that while we deliberately allow
> runtime monkeypatching (as it's sometimes the best available answer),
> we also strongly encourage the idea of treating it as a last resort
> option (outside specific use cases like testing).
> So if you want to define methods on a class, the strongly preferred
> place to define them is inside the class definition, where they're
> easy for future maintainers of that class to find.
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> P.S. While it's *not* explicitly part of Python's design rationale,
> http://connascence.io/locality.html and the rest of that site provide
> some good info on the kinds of problems that "action at a distance"
> effects, like monkeypatching class definitions, can cause in a code
> base.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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