[Python-ideas] Change repr of collections.OrderedDict to be more dict-like

Eric V. Smith eric at trueblade.com
Sat Jul 28 13:46:15 EDT 2018

On 7/28/2018 7:02 AM, Miro Hrončok wrote:
> On 28.7.2018 07:27, Tim Peters wrote:
>> In any case, since OrderedDict seems to be viewed as a legacy feature 
>> now, making any change to it is an odd idea on the face of it.
> As far as I understood the discussions on python-dev, it is not viewed 
> as legacy feature by everybody. At least when dicts with different order 
> (otherwise the same) remain equal. I don't see that changing (it would 
> be very backwards incompatible), hence I think OrderedDict still has 
> it's place (far from legacy).

I think it's legacy in the sense that for new code, very few people are 
now going to reach for an OrderedDict.


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