[Python-ideas] Python docs page: In what ways is None special

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 07:24:40 EDT 2018

Hi Paul

Thank you for your contribution

> The examples are interesting, agreed. One thing they highlight to me
> is that most uses of None are effectively convention. The only two
> behaviours that are unique to None and implemented in the interpreter
> are:
> 1. Functions that don't return an explicit value return None.
> 2. The interactive interpreter does not display the value of a typed
> expression when that value is None.

I broadly agree with what you say, particularly the compliment.

You also wrote:
> One of the key points about this proposal [PEP 505]

My goal in this thread is to document clearly and develop a clear
shared understanding of the ways in which None is special in Python.
Please, please, please can we not discuss PEP 505 in this thread.
There's already another thread for that.

I want this thread to produce a web page that is useful for beginners
and intermediate Python programmers (which perhaps some experts might
also benefit from reading).


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