[Python-ideas] A GUI for beginners and experts alike

Chris Barker - NOAA Federal chris.barker at noaa.gov
Fri Aug 24 20:28:18 EDT 2018

> If you're talking about my PyGUI project, using it with
> wPython doesn't really make sense.

Now that you say that, I think I’m mingling memories — there was
another project that attempted to wrap TKInter, wxPython, QT .. I
always thought that was ill advised.

> The goal is to provide exactly one high-quality
> implementation for each platform, with as few layers as
> practicable between the Python API and the platform's native
> GUI facilities.

So kinda like wxWidgets but in Python — which would be nice. wxPython
definitely suffers from its C++ underpinnings.

> Implementations on top
> of wxPython, Qt etc. could probably be created,

QT might make some sense— you need something on top of X, don’t you?

>> I'd also make sure that you CAN "drop down" into the lower level toolkit fairly smoothly, if you do need something more complex that the basics.
> PyGUI provides everything you need to create a custom widget,
> without needing to go down to a lower level.

In that context, I was thinking about the OP’s concept— very high
level, pretty much declarative. It’s going to run into limitations
fast. So there should be s way to customize user interaction.

Too bad all the cool kids are doing web dev these days — hard to get
help with a desktop GUI project :-(

> Pyjamas seems to be something like that:
> https://pypi.org/project/Pyjamas/

Or it was 6 years ago :-(


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