[Python-ideas] Does jargon make learning more difficult?

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Wed Aug 22 02:20:52 EDT 2018

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 05:45:53PM -0500, Abe Dillon wrote:

> Can you explain how far the parser is capable of backtracking?

Its an LL(1) parser, if I recall correctly, so if you look at the 
details of LL(1) parsing, that should answer the question.


But if I'm reading the Wikipedia page correctly, I think the answer is 
"no backtracking at all".

> It seems like <expression> with <signature> would require a similar amount
> of backtracking to ternary expressions:
> <expression> if <condition> else <expression>

I don't think needs any backtracking. The parser doesn't have to read 
the "if" and then go back to re-read the previous expression. It can 
look ahead from the expression by one token, see the "if", and recognise 
it is a ternary if.


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