[Python-ideas] Off topic: 'strike a balance' - second language English

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 09:12:47 EDT 2018


Earlier today, I did a search for 'documentation by example python' and found

Example of great documentation in Python: Nick Loadholtes (copied)

The example is:

So who to thank: Here's the history of the source for the doc page.

I don't have time right now to look at all the history. But most of
the recent commits are from Raymond Hettinger.

I'll give Nick's web page the last word.

Make your docs work as hard as your code does. Clear examples will
make your code stand out in a good way. Great documentation is out
there, lets make more of it. Here’s what you need to create:

* A plain language explanation of what your library does
* The shortest possible code example
* A quick list of any common issues
* Links to where you can learn more details

If you can create that for your code, you are doing a great service to us all.


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