[Python-ideas] Change magic strings to enums

Ivan Levkivskyi levkivskyi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 03:38:43 EDT 2018

On 25 April 2018 at 12:01, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com> wrote:

> 25.04.18 13:15, Ivan Levkivskyi пише:
>> Hm, this is what I wanted to know. I think by rewriting EnumMeta in C we
>> can reduce the creation time of an Enum class
>> (almost) down to the creation time of a normal class, which may be a 4-5x
>> speed-up. What do you think?
> It could be great. But I afraid this may add too much complexity in C
> code. Maybe try to implement a simple and fast Enum for using it in the
> stdlib and extend it with a richer interface in the enum module?
I think we can do something similar to ABCMeta, i.e. the metaclass itself
will stay defined in Python, but the "hottest" parts of its methods will be
replaced with helper functions written in C.
This way we can limit complexity of the C code while still getting almost
all the performance benefits.

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