[Python-ideas] Rewriting the "roundrobin" recipe in the itertools documentation

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Nov 16 17:57:59 EST 2017

On 11/16/2017 2:56 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

Correct off-by-one error.  I should have tested with an edge case such as
print(list(roundrobin('ABC', '')))

> The following combines 3 statements into one for statement.
> def roundrobin(*iterables):
>      "roundrobin('ABC', 'D', 'EF') --> A D E B F C"
>      nexts = cycle(iter(it).__next__ for it in iterables)
>      for reduced_len in reversed(range(1, len(iterables))):

Make that 0 rather than 1 for start value.

>          try:
>              for next in nexts:
>                  yield next()
>          except StopIteration:
>              nexts = cycle(islice(nexts, reduced_len))

A slightly clearer, slightly less efficient alternative would be

def roundrobin(*iterables):
     "roundrobin('ABC', 'D', 'EF') --> A D E B F C"
     nexts = cycle(iter(it).__next__ for it in iterables)
     for current_len in reversed(range(1, len(iterables)+1)):
             for next in nexts:
                 yield next()
         except StopIteration:
             nexts = cycle(islice(nexts, current_len - 1))

Terry Jan Reedy

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