[Python-ideas] PEP: Python Documentation Translations

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Thu Mar 23 04:14:40 EDT 2017

2017-03-22 2:14 GMT+01:00 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>:
>> Python documentation GitHub organization: https://github.com/python-docs/
> I tried to create a team in the GitHub Python organization. It works.
> But then I don't have the right to add new members, since "I'm not an
> organization owner". IMHO the Python organization is too strict for
> such translation project.
> That's why I proposed to use https://github.com/python-docs/ (which
> was reserved by Naoki if I recall correctly), to give more freedom to
> translation subteams. To more easily delegate permissions and don't
> have to trust everyone.

I discuss this point with Brett Canon. First, we don't have to create
teams. Each project can have its own list of contributors.

About teams, if I become a team maintainer, I will be able to invite
people to a team without an organization manager doing it for me.

So it seems ok to move to the Python organization, github.com/python,
rather than using a different organization.

What do you think?


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