[Python-ideas] Improving Catching Exceptions

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Wed Jun 28 18:10:47 EDT 2017

On 28.06.2017 15:26, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> 1. In 3.3+ you can just catch ImportError, check "exc.name", and
> re-raise if it's not for the module you care about

I see, didn't know that one. I gave it a try and it's not 100% the 
behavior I have expected, but one could workaround if the valid package 
structure is known. Not sure for certain.

"from foo.bar.baz import abc" can yield to "exc.name" being one of 
"foo", "foo.bar" or "foo.bar.baz". Not perfect but sort of doable.

> 2. There's a reasonable case to be made that importlib should include
> an ImportError -> RuntimeError conversion around the call to
> loader.exec_module (in the same spirit as PEP 479). That way, in:
>      try:
>          import myspeciallib
>      except ImportError:
>          import fallbacks.MySpecialLib as myspeciallib
> any caught ImportError would relate to "myspeciallib", while uncaught
> ImportErrors arising from *executing* "myspeciallib" will be converted
> to RuntimeError, with the original ImportError as their __cause__.

Generally changing the behavior for ImportError doesn't sound like it 
would work for all projects out there.

For fallback imports, I am on your side, that's a real use case which 
can be solved by changing the behavior of ImportErrors. But for all 
imports? I don't know if that's good idea.

> [People should use tools, guard against bugs and try to avoid mistakes.]

Sure, but I don't see who this can help, if I use third-party code. The 
cases, which I described in the original post, were simple cases, where 
we catch too many exception. So, I don't even have the chance to see the 
error, to file a bug report, to issue a pull request, etc. etc.

> The cases I'm interested in are the ones where you're either
> developing some kind of framework and you need to code that framework
> defensively to guard against unexpected failures in the components
> you're executing (e.g. exec_module() in the PEP 451 import protocol),
> or else you're needing to adapt between two different kinds of
> exception reporting protocol (e.g. KeyError to AttributeError and
> vice-versa).

I am unsure what you mean by those abstract words "framework" and 
"components". But let me state it in different words: there are 
*raisers* and *catchers* which do the respective thing with exceptions.

If you control the code on both sides, things are easy to change. 
Pre-condition: you know the bug in the first place, which is hard when 
you catch too much.
If you control the raiser only, it doesn't help to say: "don't make 
mistakes, configure systems right, code better, etc." People will make 
mistakes, systems will be misconfigured, linters don't find everything, etc.
If you control the catcher only, you definitely want to narrow down the 
amount of caught exceptions as far as possible. This was the original 
intend of this thread IIRC. This way you help to discover bugs in 
raising code. Addition benefit, you catching code reacts only to the 
right exceptions.

One word about frameworks here. Django, for instance, is on both sides. 
The template engine is mostly on the catchers side, whereas the database 
layer is on the raisers side.

I get the feeling that the solutions presented here are way too 
complicated and error-prone. My opinion on this topic still is that 
catching exceptions is not mandatory. Nobody is forced to do it and it's 
even better to let exceptions bubble up to visualize bugs. If one still 
needs to catch them, he should only catch those he really, really needs 
to catch and nothing more. If this cannot be improved sensibly, well, so 
be it. Although I still don't find the argument presented against 
"catching shallow exception" a little bit too abstract compared to the 
practical benefit. Maybe, there's a better solution, maybe not.


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