[Python-ideas] Allow function to return multiple values

joannah nanjekye nanjekyejoannah at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 08:22:41 EDT 2017

Thanks for response on automatic tuple unpack. My bad I dint know about
this all along.

Infact this works same way Go does. I have been analyzing why we would
really need such a function (allow function to return multiple types) in
python given we have this feature( automatic tuple unpack) and have not yet
got good ground. When I come across good ground I will talk about it.

So I will say this automatic tuple unpack pretty much works for my needs.


On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 5:21 PM, Markus Meskanen <markusmeskanen at gmail.com>

> Why isn't a tuple enough? You can do automatic tuple unpack:
>     v1, v2 = return_multiplevalues(1, 2)
> On Jun 1, 2017 17:18, "joannah nanjekye" <nanjekyejoannah at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello Team,
> I am Joannah. I am currently working on a book on python compatibility and
> publishing it with apress. I have worked with python for a while we are
> talking about four years.
> Today I was writing an example snippet for the book and needed to write a
> function that returns two values something like this:
> def return_multiplevalues(num1, num2):
>      return num1, num2
>  I noticed that this actually returns a tuple of the values which I did
> not want in the first place.I wanted python to return two values in their
> own types so I can work with them as they are but here I was stuck with
> working around a tuple.
> My proposal is we provide a way of functions returning multiple values.
> This has been implemented in languages like Go and I have found many cases
> where I needed and used such a functionality. I wish for this convenience
> in python so that I don't  have to suffer going around a tuple.
> I will appreciate discussing this. You may also bring to light any current
> way of returning multiple values from a function that I may not know of in
> python if there is.
> Kind regards,
> Joannah
> --
> Joannah Nanjekye
> +256776468213
> F : Nanjekye Captain Joannah
> S : joannah.nanjekye
> T : @Captain_Joannah
> SO : joannah
> *"You think you know when you learn, are more sure when you can write,
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Joannah Nanjekye
F : Nanjekye Captain Joannah
S : joannah.nanjekye
T : @Captain_Joannah
SO : joannah

*"You think you know when you learn, are more sure when you can write, even
more when you can teach, but certain when you can program." Alan J. Perlis*
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