[Python-ideas] A more readable way to nest functions

João Santos jmcs at jsantos.eu
Fri Jan 27 16:19:34 EST 2017


This would break apart as soon as one of left functions takes more than one

Best regards,
João Santos

On Fri, 27 Jan 2017, 22:08 Brent Brinkley, <brentbrinkley at gmail.com> wrote:

> HI Everyone,
> I’m relatively new to the world of python but in my short time here I’ve
> fallen in love with how readable this language is. One issue that I’ve seen
> in a lot of languages struggle with is nested function calls. Parenthesis
> when nested inherently create readability issues. I stumbled upon what I
> believe is an elegant solution within the elm platform in their use of the
> backward pipe operator <|.
> Current Ex.
> Suggested Structure
> This aligns with the Zen of Python in the following ways
>    - Simple is better than complex
>    - Flat is better than nested
>    - Sparse is better than dense
>    - Readability counts
>    - Practicality beats purity
> Ways it may conflict
>    - Explicit is better than implicit
>    - Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules
> Just curious to see what the rest of the community thinks 😊
> Best Regards,
> Brent
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