[Python-ideas] How to respond to trolling

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Wed Jan 11 00:23:06 EST 2017

Steven D'Aprano writes:

 > Giving a newcomer the Silent Treatment because they've questioned some 
 > undocumented set of features not open to change is not Open, Considerate 
 > or Respectful (the CoC). Even if their ideas are ignorant or ill-thought 
 > out, we must give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are 
 > making their comments in good faith rather than trolling.

Honest question: do you think that response has to be done in public?

(Whether Guido intended "private" as an alternative or not is a red
herring, irrelevant to my question.)

I would prefer answers at GitHub:

but that's up to respondents.  (Will summarize responses privately and
in other channels to that issue.  This is an experiment for the Overload
SIG: https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/overload-sig@python.org/.)


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