[Python-ideas] Remote package/module imports through HTTP/S

John Torakis john.torakis at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 14:13:33 EDT 2017

On 23/08/2017 20:49, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 3:37 AM, John Torakis <john.torakis at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 23/08/2017 20:36, John Torakis wrote:
>>> Yeah, I am a security researcher, I am keen on backdoor programming and
>>> staging and all that! It is my official job and research topic! I go to
>>> the office and code such stuff! I am not a blackhat, nor a security
>>> enthusiast, it is my job.
>>> First of all, let's all agree that if someone can run Python code in
>>> your computer you are 100% hacked! It is irrelevant if "httpimport" is a
>>> core python feature or not in that case.
>>> Now, I agree that this can be exploited if used under plain HTTP, it is
>>> a MiTM -> Remote code execution case. I admit that this is not bright.
>>> But I mention that this can be used in testing.
>>> On the topic of HTTPS, man-in-the-middle is not possible without
>>> previous Trusted Certificate compromise. Github can be trusted 100%
>>> percent for example. A certificate check has to take place in the HTTPS
>>> remote loading for sure!
> Right, but that just pushes the problem one level further out: you
> need to have a 100% dependable certificate chain. And that means
> absolutely completely trusting all of your root certificates, and it
> also means either not needing to add any _more_ root certificates, or
> being able to configure the cert store. As we've seen elsewhere, this
> is nontrivial.
The centralized PKI as we know it is a pain altogether. Please let me
reference this XKCD strip here:
Running code to your computer is among the low Impact things that can
happen to you if you have a compromised certificate store. Trust me on that!
In other words, if you can't trust your certificate store now, and you
are afraid of Remote code execution through HTTPS, stop using pip

And most Package Managers anyway..
>>> When I said a "core feature" I meant that the "httpimport" module would
>>> deliver with the core modules. Not that the Finder/Loader has to be in
>>> the list of Finders/Loaders that are used by default! For god sake, I
>>> wouldn't like my PC to start probing for modules just because I mistyped
>>> an import line!
> Glad we agree about that! I have seen people wanting all sorts of
> things to become core features (usually for the sake of interactive
> work), and a lot of it is MUCH better handled as a non-core feature.
> Though a lot of what you're saying here - especially this:
>>> I know that pip works nicely, especially when paired with virtual
>>> environments, but ad-hoc importing is another another thing. It isn't
>>> meant for delivering real projects. Just for testing modules without the
>>> need to download them, maybe install them, and all.
> could be equally well handled by pip-installing httpimport itself, and
> using that to bootstrap your testing procedures. Unless, of course,
> you're wanting to httpimport httpimport, in which case you're going to
> run into bootstrapping problems whichever way you do it :)
I will never open an issue for 'httpimporting the httpimport itself' It
is a promise!
> I think we're on the same page here, but it definitely needs some more
> text in the README to explain this - particularly how this is not a
> replacement for pip. For example, my first thought on seeing this was
> "wow, that's going to be abysmally slow unless it has a cache", but
> the answer to that is: if you need a cache, you probably should be
> using pip to install things properly.
> Still -1 on this becoming a stdlib package, as there's nothing I've
> yet seen that can't be done as a third-party package. But it's less
> scary than I thought it was :)
The reason I though that this could serve greatly as an stdlib package
is that it will broaden the horizon for importing arbitrary stuff just
to see if they are working as expected. "Testing" is the world!

> ChrisA
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