[Python-ideas] PEP 550 v2

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Fri Aug 18 02:12:40 EDT 2017

Nathaniel Smith schrieb am 16.08.2017 um 09:18:
> On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 4:55 PM, Yury Selivanov wrote:
>> Here's the PEP 550 version 2.
> Awesome!


>> Backwards Compatibility
>> =======================
>> This proposal preserves 100% backwards compatibility.
> While this is mostly true in the strict sense, in practice this PEP is
> useless if existing thread-local users like decimal and numpy can't
> migrate to it without breaking backcompat. So maybe this section
> should discuss that?
> (For example, one constraint on the design is that we can't provide
> only a pure push/pop API, even though that's what would be most
> convenient context managers like decimal.localcontext or
> numpy.errstate, because we also need to provide some backcompat story
> for legacy functions like decimal.setcontext and numpy.seterr.)

I agree with Nathaniel that many projects that can benefit from this
feature will need to keep supporting older Python versions as well. In the
case of Cython, that's Py2.6+. We already have the problem that the
asynchronous finalisation of async generators cannot be supported in older
Python versions ("old" as in Py3.5 and before), so we end up with a
language feature that people can use in Py2.6, but not completely/safely.

I can't say yet how difficult it will be to integrate the new
infrastructure that this PEP proposes into a backwards compatible code
base, but if there's something we can think of now in order to help
projects keep supporting older Python versions in the same code base, given
the constraints of their existing APIs and semantics - that would be great.


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