[Python-ideas] Augmented assignment syntax for objects.

Juancarlo Añez apalala at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 13:59:44 EDT 2017

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Erik <python at lucidity.plus.com> wrote:

> I had forgotten that decorators could take parameters. Something like that
> pretty much ticks the boxes for me.

There are decorators with "include"  and "included" in this SO Q&A:


> I'd _prefer_ something that sits inside the method body rather than just
> outside it, and I'd probably _prefer_ something that wasn't quite so
> heavyweight at runtime (which may be an irrational concern on my part ;)),

The same strategies applied by the decorators may be applied by a by a
function called from within __init__.

> but those aren't deal breakers, depending on the project - and the vast
> majority of what I do in Python is short-lived one-off projects and rapid
> prototyping for later implementation in another language, so I do seem to
> be fleshing out a set of classes from scratch and writing a bunch of
> __init__ methods far more of the time than people with long-lived projects
> would do. Perhaps that's why it irritates me more than it does some others
> ;)

For the cases I've found in which classes define several attributes that
are initialized in the constructor I think that a library like
https://github.com/python-attrs/attrs does what's needed. The downside is
that code-writing tools (like IDEs) don't understand what's going on under
the hood.

Juancarlo *Añez*
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