[Python-ideas] from __pip__ import

אלעזר elazarg at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 07:02:55 EDT 2016

I think I generally understand concerns, and partially agree. I'm certainly
not dismissing them. I only try to understand what are the precise problems
and why the current situation - with dangerous functions at reach, easily
buried deep in the code instead of marked on the top of the script - is so
much better.


On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 1:56 PM Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 20 September 2016 at 11:46, אלעזר <elazarg at gmail.com> wrote:
> > So it should be something like
> >
> > from unsafe.__pip__ import benchmark
> >
> > Where unsafe is the hypothetical namespace in which exec(), eval() and
> > subprocess.run() would have reside given your concerns.
> In my opinion, it should be
> # Please install benchmark using pip to run this script
> Or you should run the script using a dedicated runner like rwt. Or you
> can depend on a custom import hook that makes "from __pip__
> install..." work as you want. I'm just saying that I don't want core
> Python to implicitly install packages for me. But that's simply a
> personal opinion. I'm not trying to persuade you you're wrong, just
> trying to explain my position. We can agree to differ. It certainly
> doesn't seem to me that there's any need for you to modify your
> proposal to suit me, it's unlikely I'll like any variation you're
> going to be happy with, which is fine (you're under no obligation to
> convince me).
> Paul
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