[Python-ideas] (Windows-only - calling Steve Dower) Consider adding a symlink to pip in the same location as the py launcher

João Matos jcrmatos at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 07:18:36 EDT 2016


OK, I didn't know that option. Thanks.

May I suggest adding a notice to the Windows Python Installer alerting 
to use py instead of python and py -m pip instead of pip (only if the 
user doesn't choose the option to add it to the path, of course)?

On the other hand, maybe instead of a pip symlink, could it be a pip 
executable that uses the same logic as py launcher to find the correct pip?

Best regards,


On 17-09-2016 12:10, Paul Moore wrote:
> On 17 September 2016 at 11:55, João Matos <jcrmatos at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If Py3.5 is installed in user mode instead of admin (all users) and we
>> follow your advice that we shouldn't add it to the PATH env var, we can
>> execute Python using the py launcher, but we can't use pip.
>> Please consider adding a pip symlink in the same location as the py launcher
> One problem with this is that the py launcher can handle multiple
> versions of Python installed on the same machine, which the pip
> executable can't.
> To launch pip without having the Python directory on PATH, you can use
> "py -m pip". It's not quite as convenient as plain "pip", but it
> avoids the "which version?" problem.
> Paul

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