[Python-ideas] SI scale factors alone, without units or dimensional analysis

MRAB python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Sat Oct 29 13:59:14 EDT 2016

On 2016-10-29 17:43, Nick Timkovich wrote:
> Also, for discussion, remember to make the distinction between 'units'
> (amps, meters, seconds) and 'prefixes' (micro, milli, kilo, mega). Right
> away from comments, it seems 1_m could look like 1 meter to some, or
> 0.001 to others. Typically when I need to enter very small/large
> literals, I'll use "engineering" SI notation (powers divisible by 3 that
> correspond to the prefixes): 0.1e-9 = 0.1 micro____.
0.1e-9 is 0.1 nano___.

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