[Python-ideas] Civility on this mailing list

Stephen J. Turnbull turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp
Mon Oct 24 21:38:44 EDT 2016

Nick Coghlan writes:

 > P.S. Given the existence of the constraints discussed above, folks may
 > then be curious as to why we have a brainstorming list at all, given
 > that the default answer is almost always going to be "No",

Besides providing a place that encourages discussion of ideas from out
of the blue that just might be evolutionary steps forward, it also
provides a place where language design principles can be discussed and
illustrated in the context of concrete proposals, and an archive of
those discussions.

I realize that it's a significant amount of effort to find the
discussions where principles are enunciated and elaborated, and don't
have a good solution to propose to those who prefer not to spend the
effort.  But the resource is there.

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