Elliot Gorokhovsky elliot.gorokhovsky at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 17:35:26 EDT 2016

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 5:36 AM Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 12 October 2016 at 11:16, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 12:25:16AM +0000, Elliot Gorokhovsky wrote:
> >
> >> Regarding generalization: the general technique for special-casing is
> you
> >> just substitute all type checks with 1 or 0 by applying the type
> assumption
> >> you're making. That's the only way to guarantee it's safe and compliant.
> >
> > I'm confused -- I don't understand how *removing* type checks can
> > possible guarantee the code is safe and compliant.
> >
> > It's all very well and good when you are running tests that meet your
> > type assumption, but what happens if they don't? If I sort a list made
> > up of (say) mixed int and float (possibly including subclasses), does
> > your "all type checks are 1 or 0" sort segfault? If not, why not?
> > Where's the safety coming from?
> My understanding is that the code does a pre-check that all the
> elements of the list are the same type (float, for example). This is a
> relatively quick test (O(n) pointer comparisons).

Yes, that's correct. I'd like to emphasize that I'm not "*removing* type
checks" -- I'm checking them in advance, and then substituting in the
values I already know are correct. To put it rigorously: there are
expressions of the form PyWhatever_Check. I can be eager or lazy about how
I calculate these. The current implementation is lazy: it waits until the
values are actually called for before calculating them. This is expensive,
because they are called for many, many times. My implementation is eager: I
calculate all the values in advance, and then if they all happen to be the
same, I plug in that  value (1 or 0 as the case may be) wherever it appears
in the code. If they don't happen to all be the same, like for "mixed int
and float", then I just don't change anything and use the default

The code for this is really very simple:

int keys_are_all_same_type = 1;
    PyTypeObject* key_type = lo.keys[0]->ob_type;
    for (i=0; i< saved_ob_size; i++){
      if (lo.keys[i]->ob_type != key_type){
        keys_are_all_same_type = 0;

    if (keys_are_all_same_type){
      if (key_type == &PyUnicode_Type)
        compare_function = unsafe_unicode_compare;
      if (key_type == &PyLong_Type)
        compare_function = unsafe_long_compare;
      if (key_type == &PyFloat_Type)
        compare_function = unsafe_float_compare;
        compare_function = key_type->tp_richcompare;
    } else {
      compare_function = PyObject_RichCompare;

Those unsafe_whatever* functions are derived by substituting in, like I
said, the known values for the typechecks (known since
keys_are_all_same_type=1 and key_type = whatever) in the existing
implementations of the compare functions.

Hope everything is clear now!

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