[Python-ideas] Add "equal" builtin function

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Oct 6 14:52:05 EDT 2016

On 06/10/2016 15:43, Sjoerd Job Postmus wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 06, 2016 at 03:01:36PM +0100, Paul Moore wrote:
>> On 6 October 2016 at 14:45, Filipp Bakanov <filipp at bakanov.su> wrote:
>>> For now there are many usefull builtin functions like "any", "all", etc. I'd
>>> like to propose a new builtin function "equal". It should accept iterable,
>>> and return True if all items in iterable are the same or iterable is emty.
>>> That's quite popular problem, there is a discussion of how to perform it on
>>> stackoverflow
>>> (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3844801/check-if-all-elements-in-a-list-are-identical)
>>> - all suggestions are either slow or not very elegant.
>>> What do you think about it?
>> It's not a problem I've needed to solve often, if at all (in
>> real-world code). But even if we assume it is worth having as a
>> builtin, what would you propose as the implementation? The
>> stackoverflow discussion highlights a lot of approaches, all with
>> their own trade-offs. One problem with a builtin is that it would have
>> to work on all iterables, which is likely to preclude a number of the
>> faster solutions (which rely on the argument being an actual list).
>> It's an interesting optimisation problem, and the discussion gives
>> some great insight into how to micro-optimise an operation like this,
>> but I'd question whether it needs to be a language/stdlib feature.
>> Paul
> I've needed it several times, but can't really remember what for
> anymore, which makes me think it's not really that important.
> A motivating reason for adding it to the builtins would be that it can
> be written in C instead of Python, and hence be a lot faster.

This should be on the bug tracker as "release blocker" as we clearly 
need something that is fast that isn't that important.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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