[Python-ideas] CoC violation warning (was: Re: PEP 484 evolution)

Rick Johnson rantingrickjohnson at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 16:35:09 EDT 2016

On Sunday, March 20, 2016 at 12:37:48 PM UTC-5, Brett Cannon wrote:
> I tried to be calm about asking the tone to be turned down
> on this topic, but I feel like I wasn't listened to, so
> consider this your official warning, Rick: stop the
> bombastic, insulting tone or you will be banned.

Hello Brett (and all Group Members),

Since it had become obvious to me, that the emotions
surrounding this subject-matter present a high probability
of turning toxic, I had made the decision to drop this
thread last night -- there is no need for me to continually
beat this dead horse, the community has made its decision.

At this time, i want to thank everyone who participated,
especially those who offered constructive replies. Also, I
want everyone to know that my objections to type-hints are
not exclusively based on emotion, no, I am still convinced
that type-hints (as implemented) has the potential to
undermine the very essence of what makes Python unique 
among all other languages -- but that's just my opinion, feel 
free to ignore if you don't agree.

Out of respect for those who have so graciously volunteered
their time to implement this feature, i pledge that i will
not express my reservations regarding type-hints in this
group *EVER* again.

However, i will be composing a thoughtful and exhaustive
dissent (regarding type-hints) and posting it publicly very
soon. If anyone shares my reservations of type-hints (as
implemented), please do not reply here, instead, contact me
via email, so that we may discuss these matters privately. 

And as always, any discussions with me are 100% confidential.

Thanks all

And Happy Pythoning!

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