[Python-ideas] Make Python front end to the C math module

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Sun Jun 19 23:07:44 EDT 2016

I see your point, but I'm skeptical that it'll make much of a difference,
and I do see a cost: "import math" would become a little slower and require
a little more memory.

If your n'th root function is a classic floating point algorithm, surely
there's someone who can help you translate it into C (just ask), but just
as surely there's probably already some public-domain C code you can copy.
(Is it this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nth_root#nth_root_algorithm)

I think the math module ought to stay close to a libm wrapper in spirit (if
not in implementation) because I don't really think that it ought to open
itself up to all of mathematics -- there's simply too much of that. I do
think a more accurate n'th root algorithm makes a fine addition, but I
don't think such additions are common enough to try to encourage

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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