[Python-ideas] PEP 511: API for code transformers

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 15 14:41:15 EST 2016

On Jan 15, 2016, at 10:10, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com> wrote:
> This PEP 511 is part of a serie of 3 PEP (509, 510, 511) adding an API
> to implement a static Python optimizer specializing functions with
> guards.

Some thoughts (and I realize that for many of these the answer will just be "that's out of scope for this PEP"):

* You can register transformers in any order, and they're run in the order specified, first all the AST transformers, then all the code transformers. That's very weird; it seems like it would be conceptually simpler to have a list of AST transformers, then a separate list of code transformers.

* Why are transformers objects with ast_transformer and code_transformer methods, but those methods don't take self? (Are they automatically static methods, like __new__?) It seems like the only advantage to require attaching them to a class is to associate each one with a name; surely there's a simpler way to do that. And is there ever a good use case for putting both in the same class, given that the code transformer isn't going to run on the output of the AST transformer but rather on the output of all subsequent AST transformers and all preceding code transformers? Why not just let them be functions, and use the function name (or maybe have a separate attribute to override that, which a simple decorator can apply)?

* Why does the code transformer only take consts and names? Surely you need varnames, and many of the other properties of code objects. And what's the use of lnotab if you can't set the base file and line? In fact, why not just pass a code object?

* It seems like 99% of all ast_transformer methods are just going to construct and apply an ast.NodeTransformer subclass. Why not just register the NodeTransformer subclass?

* The way it's written, it sounds like the main advantage of your proposal is that it makes it easier to write optimizations that need guards. But it also makes it easier to write the same kinds of optimizations that are already possible but a bit painful. It might be worth rewording a bit to make that clearer. 

* There are other reasons to write AST and bytecode transformations besides optimization. MacroPy, which you mentioned, is an obvious example. But also, playing with new ideas for Python is a lot easier if you can do most of it with a simple hook that only makes you deal with the level you care about, rather than hacking up everything from the grammar to the interpreter. So, that's an additional benefit you might want to mention in your proposal.

* In fact, I think this PEP could be useful even if the other two were rejected, if rewritten a bit.

* It might be useful to have an API that handled bytes and text (and tokens, but that requires refactoring the token stream API, which is a separate project) as well as AST and bytecode. For example, some language extensions add things that can't be parsed as a valid Python AST. This is particularly an issue when playing with new feature ideas. In some cases, a simple text preprocessor can convert it into code which can be compiled into AST nodes that you can then transform the way you want. At present, with import hooks being the best way to do any of these, there's no disparity that makes text transforms harder than AST transforms. But if we're going to have transformer objects with code_transformer and ast_transformer methods, but a text preprocessor still requires an import hook, that seems unfortunate. Is there a reason you can't add text_transformer as well? (And maybe bytes_transformer. And this would open the door to later add token_transformer in the same place--and for now, you can call tokenize, untokenize, and tokenize again inside a text_transformer.)

* I like that I can now compile to PyCF_AST or to PyCF_TRANSFORMED_AST. But can I call compile with an untransformed AST and the PyCF_TRANSFORMED_AST flag? This would be useful if I had some things that still worked via import hook--I could choose whether to hook in before or after the standard/registered set--e.g., if I'm using a text transformer, or a CPython compiled with a hacked-up grammar that generates dummy AST nodes for new language productions, I may want to then transform those to real nodes before the optimizers get to them. (This would be less necessary if we had text-transformer.)

* It seems like doing any non-trivial bytecode transforms will still require a third-party library like byteplay (which has trailed 2.6, 2.7, 3.x in general, and each new 3.x version by anywhere from 3 months to 4 years). Have you considered integrating some of that functionality into Python itself? Even if that's out of scope, a paragraph explaining how to use byteplay with a code_transformer, and why it isn't integrated into the proposal, might be helpful.

* One thing I've always wanted is a way to write decorators that transform at the AST level. But code objects only have bytecode and source; you have to manually recompile the source--making sure to use the same flags, globals, etc.--to get back to the AST. I think that will become even more of a problem now that you need separate ways to get the "basic" parse and the "post-all-installed-transformations" parse. Maybe this would be out of scope for your project, but having some way to access these rather than rebuild them could be very cool.

> If the PEP is accepted, it will solve a long list of issues, some
> issues are old, like #1346238 which is 11 years old ;-) I found 12
> issues:
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue1346238
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue2181
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue2499
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue2506
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue4264
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue7682
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue10399
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue11549
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue17068
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue17430
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue17515
> * http://bugs.python.org/issue26107
> I worked to make the PEP more generic that "this hook is written for
> FAT Python". Please read the full PEP to see a long list of existing
> usages in Python of code transformers.
> You may read again the discussion which occurred 4 years ago about the
> same topic:
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-August/121286.html
> (the thread starts with an idea of AST optimizer, but is moves quickly
> to a generic API to transform the code)
> Thanks to Red Hat for giving me time to experiment on this.
> Victor
> HTML version:
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0510/#changes
> PEP: 511
> Title: API for code transformers
> Version: $Revision$
> Last-Modified: $Date$
> Author: Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 4-January-2016
> Python-Version: 3.6
> Abstract
> ========
> Propose an API to register bytecode and AST transformers. Add also ``-o
> OPTIM_TAG`` command line option to change ``.pyc`` filenames, ``-o
> noopt`` disables the peephole optimizer. Raise an ``ImportError``
> exception on import if the ``.pyc`` file is missing and the code
> transformers required to transform the code are missing.  code
> transformers are not needed code transformed ahead of time (loaded from
> ``.pyc`` files).
> Rationale
> =========
> Python does not provide a standard way to transform the code. Projects
> transforming the code use various hooks. The MacroPy project uses an
> import hook: it adds its own module finder in ``sys.meta_path`` to
> hook its AST transformer. Another option is to monkey-patch the
> builtin ``compile()`` function. There are even more options to
> hook a code transformer.
> Python 3.4 added a ``compile_source()`` method to
> ``importlib.abc.SourceLoader``. But code transformation is wider than
> just importing modules, see described use cases below.
> Writing an optimizer or a preprocessor is out of the scope of this PEP.
> Usage 1: AST optimizer
> ----------------------
> Transforming an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is a convenient
> way to implement an optimizer. It's easier to work on the AST than
> working on the bytecode, AST contains more information and is more high
> level.
> Since the optimization can done ahead of time, complex but slow
> optimizations can be implemented.
> Example of optimizations which can be implemented with an AST optimizer:
> * `Copy propagation
>  <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copy_propagation>`_:
>  replace ``x=1; y=x`` with ``x=1; y=1``
> * `Constant folding
>  <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant_folding>`_:
>  replace ``1+1`` with ``2``
> * `Dead code elimination
>  <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_code_elimination>`_
> Using guards (see the `PEP 510
> <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0510/>`_), it is possible to
> implement a much wider choice of optimizations. Examples:
> * Simplify iterable: replace ``range(3)`` with ``(0, 1, 2)`` when used
>  as iterable
> * `Loop unrolling <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_unrolling>`_
> * Call pure builtins: replace ``len("abc")`` with ``3``
> * Copy used builtin symbols to constants
> * See also `optimizations implemented in fatoptimizer
>  <https://fatoptimizer.readthedocs.org/en/latest/optimizations.html>`_,
>  a static optimizer for Python 3.6.
> The following issues can be implemented with an AST optimizer:
> * `Issue #1346238
>  <https://bugs.python.org/issue1346238>`_: A constant folding
>  optimization pass for the AST
> * `Issue #2181 <http://bugs.python.org/issue2181>`_:
>  optimize out local variables at end of function
> * `Issue #2499 <http://bugs.python.org/issue2499>`_:
>  Fold unary + and not on constants
> * `Issue #4264 <http://bugs.python.org/issue4264>`_:
>  Patch: optimize code to use LIST_APPEND instead of calling list.append
> * `Issue #7682 <http://bugs.python.org/issue7682>`_:
>  Optimisation of if with constant expression
> * `Issue #10399 <https://bugs.python.org/issue10399>`_: AST
>  Optimization: inlining of function calls
> * `Issue #11549 <http://bugs.python.org/issue11549>`_:
>  Build-out an AST optimizer, moving some functionality out of the
>  peephole optimizer
> * `Issue #17068 <http://bugs.python.org/issue17068>`_:
>  peephole optimization for constant strings
> * `Issue #17430 <http://bugs.python.org/issue17430>`_:
>  missed peephole optimization
> Usage 2: Preprocessor
> ---------------------
> A preprocessor can be easily implemented with an AST transformer. A
> preprocessor has various and different usages.
> Some examples:
> * Remove debug code like assertions and logs to make the code faster to
>  run it for production.
> * `Tail-call Optimization <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tail_call>`_
> * Add profiling code
> * `Lazy evaluation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lazy_evaluation>`_:
>  see `lazy_python <https://github.com/llllllllll/lazy_python>`_
>  (bytecode transformer) and `lazy macro of MacroPy
>  <https://github.com/lihaoyi/macropy#lazy>`_ (AST transformer)
> * Change dictionary literals into collection.OrderedDict instances
> * Declare constants: see `@asconstants of codetransformer
>  <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/codetransformer>`_
> * Domain Specific Language (DSL) like SQL queries. The
>  Python language itself doesn't need to be modified. Previous attempts
>  to implement DSL for SQL like `PEP 335 - Overloadable Boolean
>  Operators <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0335/>`_ was rejected.
> * Pattern Matching of functional languages
> * String Interpolation, but `PEP 498 -- Literal String Interpolation
>  <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0498/>`_ was merged into Python
>  3.6.
> `MacroPy <https://github.com/lihaoyi/macropy>`_ has a long list of
> examples and use cases.
> This PEP does not add any new code transformer. Using a code transformer
> will require an external module and to register it manually.
> See also `PyXfuscator <https://bitbucket.org/namn/pyxfuscator>`_: Python
> obfuscator, deobfuscator, and user-assisted decompiler.
> Usage 3: Disable all optimization
> ---------------------------------
> Ned Batchelder asked to add an option to disable the peephole optimizer
> because it makes code coverage more difficult to implement. See the
> discussion on the python-ideas mailing list: `Disable all peephole
> optimizations
> <https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2014-May/027893.html>`_.
> This PEP adds a new ``-o noopt`` command line option to disable the
> peephole optimizer. In Python, it's as easy as::
>    sys.set_code_transformers([])
> It will fix the `Issue #2506 <https://bugs.python.org/issue2506>`_: Add
> mechanism to disable optimizations.
> Usage 4: Write new bytecode optimizers in Python
> ------------------------------------------------
> Python 3.6 optimizes the code using a peephole optimizer. By
> definition, a peephole optimizer has a narrow view of the code and so
> can only implement basic optimizations. The optimizer rewrites the
> bytecode. It is difficult to enhance it, because it written in C.
> With this PEP, it becomes possible to implement a new bytecode optimizer
> in pure Python and experiment new optimizations.
> Some optimizations are easier to implement on the AST like constant
> folding, but optimizations on the bytecode are still useful. For
> example, when the AST is compiled to bytecode, useless jumps can be
> emited because the compiler is naive and does not try to optimize
> anything.
> Use Cases
> =========
> This section give examples of use cases explaining when and how code
> transformers will be used.
> Interactive interpreter
> -----------------------
> It will be possible to use code transformers with the interactive
> interpreter which is popular in Python and commonly used to demonstrate
> Python.
> The code is transformed at runtime and so the interpreter can be slower
> when expensive code transformers are used.
> Build a transformed package
> ---------------------------
> It will be possible to build a package of the transformed code.
> A transformer can have a configuration. The configuration is not stored
> in the package.
> All ``.pyc`` files of the package must be transformed with the same code
> transformers and the same transformers configuration.
> It is possible to build different ``.pyc`` files using different
> optimizer tags. Example: ``fat`` for the default configuration and
> ``fat_inline`` for a different configuration with function inlining
> enabled.
> A package can contain ``.pyc`` files with different optimizer tags.
> Install a package containing transformed .pyc files
> ---------------------------------------------------
> It will be possible to install a package which contains transformed
> ``.pyc`` files.
> All ``.pyc`` files with any optimizer tag contained in the package are
> installed, not only for the current optimizer tag.
> Build .pyc files when installing a package
> ------------------------------------------
> If a package does not contain any ``.pyc`` files of the current
> optimizer tag (or some ``.pyc`` files are missing), the ``.pyc`` are
> created during the installation.
> Code transformers of the optimizer tag are required. Otherwise, the
> installation fails with an error.
> Execute transformed code
> ------------------------
> It will be possible to execute transformed code.
> Raise an ``ImportError`` exception on import if the ``.pyc`` file of the
> current optimizer tag is missing and the code transformers required to
> transform the code are missing.
> The interesting point here is that code transformers are not needed to
> execute the transformed code if all required ``.pyc`` files are already
> available.
> Code transformer API
> ====================
> A code transformer is a class with ``ast_transformer()`` and/or
> ``code_transformer()`` methods (API described below) and a ``name``
> attribute.
> For efficiency, do not define a ``code_transformer()`` or
> ``ast_transformer()`` method if it does nothing.
> The ``name`` attribute (``str``) must be a short string used to identify
> an optimizer. It is used to build a ``.pyc`` filename. The name must not
> contain dots (``'.'``), dashes (``'-'``) or directory separators: dots
> are used to separated fields in a ``.pyc`` filename and dashes areused
> to join code transformer names to build the optimizer tag.
> .. note::
>   It would be nice to pass the fully qualified name of a module in the
>   *context* when an AST transformer is used to transform a module on
>   import, but it looks like the information is not available in
>   ``PyParser_ASTFromStringObject()``.
> code_transformer()
> ------------------
> Prototype::
>    def code_transformer(code, consts, names, lnotab, context):
>        ...
>        return (code, consts, names, lnotab)
> Parameters:
> * *code*: the bytecode (``bytes``)
> * *consts*: a sequence of constants
> * *names*: tuple of variable names
> * *lnotab*: table mapping instruction offsets to line numbers
>  (``bytes``)
> The code transformer is run after the compilation to bytecode
> ast_transformer()
> ------------------
> Prototype::
>    def ast_transformer(tree, context):
>        ...
>        return tree
> Parameters:
> * *tree*: an AST tree
> * *context*: an object with a ``filename`` attribute (``str``)
> It must return an AST tree. It can modify the AST tree in place, or
> create a new AST tree.
> The AST transformer is called after the creation of the AST by the
> parser and before the compilation to bytecode. New attributes may be
> added to *context* in the future.
> Changes
> =======
> In short, add:
> * ``-o OPTIM_TAG`` command line option
> * ``ast.Constant``
> * ``sys.get_code_transformers()``
> * ``sys.implementation.optim_tag``
> * ``sys.set_code_transformers(transformers)``
> API to get/set code transformers
> --------------------------------
> Add new functions to register code transformers:
> * ``sys.set_code_transformers(transformers)``: set the list of code
>  transformers and update ``sys.implementation.optim_tag``
> * ``sys.get_code_transformers()``: get the list of code
>  transformers.
> The order of code transformers matter. Running transformer A and then
> transformer B can give a different output than running transformer B an
> then transformer A.
> Example to prepend a new code transformer::
>    transformers = sys.get_code_transformers()
>    transformers.insert(0, new_cool_transformer)
>    sys.set_code_transformers(transformers)
> All AST tranformers are run sequentially (ex: the second transformer
> gets the input of the first transformer), and then all bytecode
> transformers are run sequentially.
> Optimizer tag
> -------------
> Changes:
> * Add ``sys.implementation.optim_tag`` (``str``): optimization tag.
>  The default optimization tag is ``'opt'``.
> * Add a new ``-o OPTIM_TAG`` command line option to set
>  ``sys.implementation.optim_tag``.
> Changes on ``importlib``:
> * ``importlib`` uses ``sys.implementation.optim_tag`` to build the
>  ``.pyc`` filename to importing modules, instead of always using
>  ``opt``. Remove also the special case for the optimizer level ``0``
>  with the default optimizer tag ``'opt'`` to simplify the code.
> * When loading a module, if the ``.pyc`` file is missing but the ``.py``
>  is available, the ``.py`` is only used if code optimizers have the
>  same optimizer tag than the current tag, otherwise an ``ImportError``
>  exception is raised.
> Pseudo-code of a ``use_py()`` function to decide if a ``.py`` file can
> be compiled to import a module::
>    def transformers_tag():
>        transformers = sys.get_code_transformers()
>        if not transformers:
>            return 'noopt'
>        return '-'.join(transformer.name
>                        for transformer in transformers)
>    def use_py():
>        return (transformers_tag() == sys.implementation.optim_tag)
> The order of ``sys.get_code_transformers()`` matter. For example, the
> ``fat`` transformer followed by the ``pythran`` transformer gives the
> optimizer tag ``fat-pythran``.
> The behaviour of the ``importlib`` module is unchanged with the default
> optimizer tag (``'opt'``).
> Peephole optimizer
> ------------------
> By default, ``sys.implementation.optim_tag`` is ``opt`` and
> ``sys.get_code_transformers()`` returns a list of one code transformer:
> the peephole optimizer (optimize the bytecode).
> Use ``-o noopt`` to disable the peephole optimizer. In this case, the
> optimizer tag is ``noopt`` and no code transformer is registered.
> Using the ``-o opt`` option has not effect.
> AST enhancements
> ----------------
> Enhancements to simplify the implementation of AST transformers:
> * Add a new compiler flag ``PyCF_TRANSFORMED_AST`` to get the
>  transformed AST. ``PyCF_ONLY_AST`` returns the AST before the
>  transformers.
> * Add ``ast.Constant``: this type is not emited by the compiler, but
>  can be used in an AST transformer to simplify the code. It does not
>  contain line number and column offset informations on tuple or
>  frozenset items.
> * ``PyCodeObject.co_lnotab``: line number delta becomes signed to
>  support moving instructions (note: need to modify MAGIC_NUMBER in
>  importlib). Implemented in the `issue #26107
>  <https://bugs.python.org/issue26107>`_
> * Enhance the bytecode compiler to support ``tuple`` and ``frozenset``
>  constants. Currently, ``tuple`` and ``frozenset`` constants are
>  created by the peephole transformer, after the bytecode compilation.
> * ``marshal`` module: fix serialization of the empty frozenset singleton
> * update ``Tools/parser/unparse.py`` to support the new ``ast.Constant``
>  node type
> Examples
> ========
> .pyc filenames
> --------------
> Example of ``.pyc`` filenames of the ``os`` module.
> With the default optimizer tag ``'opt'``:
> ===========================   ==================
> .pyc filename                 Optimization level
> ===========================   ==================
> ``os.cpython-36.opt-0.pyc``                    0
> ``os.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc``                    1
> ``os.cpython-36.opt-2.pyc``                    2
> ===========================   ==================
> With the ``'fat'`` optimizer tag:
> ===========================   ==================
> .pyc filename                 Optimization level
> ===========================   ==================
> ``os.cpython-36.fat-0.pyc``                    0
> ``os.cpython-36.fat-1.pyc``                    1
> ``os.cpython-36.fat-2.pyc``                    2
> ===========================   ==================
> Bytecode transformer
> --------------------
> Scary bytecode transformer replacing all strings with
> ``"Ni! Ni!  Ni!"``::
>    import sys
>    class BytecodeTransformer:
>        name = "knights_who_say_ni"
>        def code_transformer(self, code, consts, names, lnotab, context):
>            consts = ['Ni! Ni! Ni!' if isinstance(const, str) else const
>                      for const in consts]
>            return (code, consts, names, lnotab)
>    # replace existing code transformers with the new bytecode transformer
>    sys.set_code_transformers([BytecodeTransformer()])
>    # execute code which will be transformed by code_transformer()
>    exec("print('Hello World!')")
> Output::
>    Ni! Ni! Ni!
> AST transformer
> ---------------
> Similary to the bytecode transformer example, the AST transformer also
> replaces all strings with ``"Ni! Ni! Ni!"``::
>    import ast
>    import sys
>    class KnightsWhoSayNi(ast.NodeTransformer):
>        def visit_Str(self, node):
>            node.s = 'Ni! Ni! Ni!'
>            return node
>    class ASTTransformer:
>        name = "knights_who_say_ni"
>        def __init__(self):
>            self.transformer = KnightsWhoSayNi()
>        def ast_transformer(self, tree, context):
>            self.transformer.visit(tree)
>            return tree
>    # replace existing code transformers with the new AST transformer
>    sys.set_code_transformers([ASTTransformer()])
>    # execute code which will be transformed by ast_transformer()
>    exec("print('Hello World!')")
> Output::
>    Ni! Ni! Ni!
> Other Python implementations
> ============================
> The PEP 511 should be implemented by all Python implementation, but the
> bytecode and the AST are not standardized.
> By the way, even between minor version of CPython, there are changes on
> the AST API. There are differences, but only minor differences. It is
> quite easy to write an AST transformer which works on Python 2.7 and
> Python 3.5 for example.
> Discussion
> ==========
> * `[Python-Dev] AST optimizer implemented in Python
>  <https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-August/121286.html>`_
>  (August 2012)
> Prior Art
> =========
> AST optimizers
> --------------
> In 2011, Eugene Toder proposed to rewrite some peephole optimizations in
> a new AST optimizer: issue #11549, `Build-out an AST optimizer, moving
> some functionality out of the peephole optimizer
> <https://bugs.python.org/issue11549>`_.  The patch adds ``ast.Lit`` (it
> was proposed to rename it to ``ast.Literal``).
> In 2012, Victor Stinner wrote the `astoptimizer
> <https://bitbucket.org/haypo/astoptimizer/>`_ project, an AST optimizer
> implementing various optimizations. Most interesting optimizations break
> the Python semantics since no guard is used to disable optimization if
> something changes.
> In 2015, Victor Stinner wrote the `fatoptimizer
> <http://fatoptimizer.readthedocs.org/>`_ project, an AST optimizer
> specializing functions using guards.
> The Issue #17515 `"Add sys.setasthook() to allow to use a custom AST"
> optimizer <https://bugs.python.org/issue17515>`_ was a first attempt of
> API for code transformers, but specific to AST.
> Python Preprocessors
> --------------------
> * `MacroPy <https://github.com/lihaoyi/macropy>`_: MacroPy is an
>  implementation of Syntactic Macros in the Python Programming Language.
>  MacroPy provides a mechanism for user-defined functions (macros) to
>  perform transformations on the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a Python
>  program at import time.
> * `pypreprocessor <https://code.google.com/p/pypreprocessor/>`_: C-style
>  preprocessor directives in Python, like ``#define`` and ``#ifdef``
> Bytecode transformers
> ---------------------
> * `codetransformer <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/codetransformer>`_:
>  Bytecode transformers for CPython inspired by the ``ast`` module’s
>  ``NodeTransformer``.
> * `byteplay <http://code.google.com/p/byteplay/>`_: Byteplay lets you
>  convert Python code objects into equivalent objects which are easy to
>  play with, and lets you convert those objects back into living Python
>  code objects. It's useful for applying crazy transformations on Python
>  functions, and is also useful in learning Python byte code
>  intricacies. See `byteplay documentation
>  <http://wiki.python.org/moin/ByteplayDoc>`_.
> See also:
> * `BytecodeAssembler <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/BytecodeAssembler>`_
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
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