[Python-ideas] Password masking for getpass.getpass

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Jan 14 05:39:54 EST 2016

On 14.01.2016 11:29, Muhammad Ahmed Khalid wrote:
> This discussion is kind of going into different directions and I want to
> bring it back to the getpass function.
> The original argument is that there should be a choice provided by the
> getpass function of getting feedback or not. Currently the getpass function
> does not provide any feedback and I just want to add the ability to make it
> so that I can get some feedback.
> Some one earlier mentioned that by default the function will not echo
> anything back and I totally agree with that. In fact I like that suggestion
> a lot. Only when the users* want feedback they can change the parameters of
> the function and add which ever character they want for masking.
> Please note that currently the first parameter of the getpass function is
> the Prompt. The second parameter can then be used as the masking character
> which can be None / blank by default.

If you can make this work cross-platform, I don't think anyone
would object to having such an option, as long as the default
remains "show nothing" :-)

For more complex password / key card / single signon / etc.
functionality, I believe a PyPI installable package would be

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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