[Python-ideas] PEP 9 - plaintext PEP format - is officially deprecated

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Jan 11 10:10:41 EST 2016

On Jan 11, 2016, at 03:25 PM, anatoly techtonik wrote:

>On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 2:49 AM, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:
>> reStructuredText is clearly a better format
>Can you expand on that? I use markdown everywhere

reST is better than plain text.  Markdown is not a PEP format option.

>> all recent PEP submissions have been in reST for a while now anyway.
>Is it possible to query exact numbers automatically?

Feel free to grep the PEPs hg repo.

>What is the tooling support for handling PEP 9 and PEP 12?

UTSL.  Everything is in the PEPs hg repo.

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