[Python-ideas] RFC: PEP: Add dict.__version__

Neil Girdhar mistersheik at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 05:18:59 EST 2016

On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 7:37 PM, Andrew Barnert <abarnert at yahoo.com> wrote:

> On Jan 10, 2016, at 10:35, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 12:57 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 11:48:35AM -0500, Neil Girdhar wrote:
>> [...]
>> > > v = mydict.__version__
>> > > maybe_modify(mydict)
>> > > if v != mydict.__version__:
>> > >     print("dict has changed")
>> >
>> >
>> > This is exactly what I want to avoid.  If you want to do something like
>> > this, I think you should do it in regular Python by subclassing dict and
>> > overriding the mutating methods.
>> That doesn't help Victor, because exec need an actual dict, not
>> subclasses. Victor's PEP says this is a blocker.
> No, he can still do what he wants transparently in the interpreter.  What
> I want to avoid is Python users using __version__ in their own code.
> Well, he could change exec so it can use arbitrary mappings (or at least
> dict subclasses), but I assume that's much harder and more disruptive than
> his proposed change.
> Anyway, if I understand your point, it's this: __version__ should either
> be a private implementation-specific property of dicts, or it should be a
> property of all mappings; anything in between gets all the disadvantages of
> both.

Right.  I prefer the the former since making it a property of mappings
bloats Mapping beyond a minimum interface.

> If so, I agree with you. Encouraging people to use __version__ for other
> purposes besides namespace guards, but not doing anything to guarantee it
> actually exists anywhere besides namespaces, seems like a bad idea.
> But there is still something in between public and totally internal to FAT
> Python. Making it a documented property of PyDict objects at the C API
> level is a different story--there are already plenty of ways that C code
> can use those objects that won't work with arbitrary mappings, so adding
> another doesn't seem like a problem.

Adding it to PyDict and exposing it in the C API is totally reasonable to

> And even making it public but implementation-specific at the Python level
> may be useful for other CPython-specific optimizers (even if partially
> written in Python); if so, the best way to deal with the danger that
> someone could abuse it for code that should work with arbitrary mappings or
> with another Python implementation should be solved by clearly documenting
> it's non portability and discouraging its abuse in the docs, not by hiding
> it.
Here is where I have to disagree.  I hate it when experts say "we'll just
document it and then it's the user's fault for misusing it".  Yeah, you're
right, but as a user, it is very frustrating to have to read other people's
documentation.  You know that some elite Python programmer is going to
optimize his code using this and someone years later is going to scratch
his head wondering where __version__ is coming from.  Is it the provided by
the caller?  Was it added to the object at some earlier point?  Finally,
he'll search the web, arrive at a stackoverflow question with 95 upvotes
that finally clears things up.  And for what?  Some minor optimization.
(Not Victor's optimization, but a Python user's optimization in Python

Python should make it easy to write clear code.  It's my opinion that
documentation is not a substitute for good language design, just as
comments are not a substitute for good code design.

Also, using this __version__ in source code is going to complicate
switching from CPython to any of the other Python implementations, so those
implementations will probably end up implementing it just to simplify
"porting", which would otherwise be painless.

Why don't we leave exposing __version__ in Python to another PEP?  Once
it's in the C API (as you proposed) you will be able to use it from Python
by writing an extension and then someone can demonstrate the value of
exposing it in Python by writing tests.
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