[Python-ideas] RFC: PEP: Add dict.__version__

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Sat Jan 9 14:32:45 EST 2016

On Sat, 9 Jan 2016 at 07:04 Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 2016-01-09 13:48 GMT+01:00 Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at gmail.com>:
>> > How is this not just a poorer version of PyPy's optimizations?
>> This a very good question :-) There are a lot of optimizers in the
>> wild, mostly JIT compilers. The problem is that most of them are
>> specific to numerical computations, and the remaining ones are generic
>> but not widely used. The most advanced and complete fast
>> implementation of Python is obviously PyPy. I didn't heard a lot of
>> deployements with PyPy. For example, PyPy is not used to install
>> OpenStack (a very large project which has a big number of
>> dependencies). I'm not even sure that PyPy is the favorite
>> implementation of Python used to run Django, to give another example
>> of popular Python application.
>> PyPy is just amazing in term of performances, but for an unknown
>> reason, it didn't replace CPython yet. PyPy has some drawbacks: it
>> only supports Python 2.7 and 3.2 (CPython is at the version 3.5), it
>> has bad performances on the C API and I heard that performances are
>> not as amazing as expected on some applications. PyPy has also a worse
>> startup time and use more memory. IMHO the major issue of Python is
>> the backward compatibility on the C API.
>> In short, almost all users are stuck at CPython and CPython implements
>> close to 0 optimization (come on, constant folding and dead code
>> elimintation is not what I would call an "optimization" ;-)).
>> My goal is to fill the hole between CPython (0 optimization) and PyPy
>> (the reference for best performances).
>> I wrote a whole website to explain the status of the Python optimizers
>> and why I want to write my own optimizer:
>> https://faster-cpython.readthedocs.org/index.html
> I think this is admirable.  I also dream of faster Python.  However, we
> have a fundamental disagreement about how to get there.  You can spend your
> whole life adding one or two optimizations a year and Python may only end
> up twice as fast as it is now, which would still be dog slow. A meaningful
> speedup requires a JIT.  So, I question the value of this kind of change.

Obviously a JIT can help, but even they can benefit from this. For
instance, Pyjion could rely on this instead of creating our own guards for
built-in and global namespaces if we wanted to inline calls to certain

>> > If what you want is optimization, it would be much better to devote
>> time to a solution
>> > that can potentially yield orders of magnitude worth of speedup like
>> PyPy
>> > rather than increasing language complexity for a minor payoff.
>> I disagree that my proposed changes increase the "language
>> complexity". According to early benchmarks, my changes has a
>> negligible impact on performances. I don't see how adding a read-only
>> __version__ property to dict makes the Python *language* more complex?
> It makes it more complex because you're adding a user-facing property.
> Every little property adds up in the cognitive load of a language.  It also
> means that all of the other Python implementation need to follow suit even
> if their optimizations work differently.
> What is the point of making __version__ an exposed property?  Why can't it
> be a hidden variable in CPython's underlying implementation of dict?  If
> some code needs to query __version__ to see if it's changed then CPython
> should be the one trying to discover this pattern and automatically
> generate the right code.  Ultimately, this is just a piece of a JIT, which
> is the way this is going to end up.
> My whole design is based on the idea that my optimizer will be
>> optimal. You will be free to not use it ;-)
>> And sorry, I'm not interested to contribute to PyPy.
> That's fine, but I think you are probably wasting your time then :)  The
> "hole between CPython and PyPy" disappears as soon as PyPy catches up to
> CPython 3.5 with numpy, and then all of this work goes with it.

That doesn't solve the C API compatibility problem, nor other issues some
people have with PyPy deployments (e.g., inconsistent performance that
can't necessarily be relied upon).
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