[Python-ideas] Proposal to extend PEP 484 (gradual typing) to support Python 2.7

Eric Fahlgren ericfahlgren at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 11:09:26 EST 2016

Pavol Lisy, Saturday, January 09, 2016 01:54:
> Could not something like this ->
>    def embezzle(self, account, funds=1000000, *fake_receipts):
>        # def embezzle(self, account: str, funds: int = 1000000, *fake_receipts: str) -> None:
>        """Embezzle funds from account using fake receipts."""
>        <code goes here>
> make
> 1. transition from python2 to python3 more simple?
> 2. python3 checkers more easily changeable to understand new python2 standard?
> 3. simpler impact to documentation (means also simpler knowledbase to be learn) about annotations?

+1 on this, which is close to what I've been doing for a while now.

4. Educates people who have only seen Py2 prototypes to recognize what the Py3 annotations look like.

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