[Python-ideas] Let’s make escaping in f-literals impossible

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 23:24:50 EDT 2016

On 30 August 2016 at 07:40, Steve Dower <steve.dower at python.org> wrote:
> On 29Aug2016 1433, Eric V. Smith wrote:
>> On 8/29/2016 5:26 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:
>>> Update the PEP, then it's a bugfix.  ;)
>> Heh. I guess that's true. But it's sort of a big change, so shipping
>> beta 1 with the code not agreeing with the PEP rubs me the wrong way.
>> Or, I could stop worrying and typing emails, and instead just get on
>> with it!
> I like this approach :)

It would be good to update the PEP to say "No backslash escapes
allowed inside braces" and file a bug against 3.6 for allowing it,
though :)

> But I agree. Release Manager Ned has the final say, but I think this change
> can comfortably go in during the beta period. (I also disagree that it's a
> big change - nobody could agree on the 'obvious' behaviour of backslashes
> anyway, so chances are people would avoid them anyway, and there was strong
> consensus on advising people to avoid them.)

+1 - the beta deadline is "no new features", rather than "no further
changes to features we already added". The beta period wouldn't be
very useful if we couldn't make changes to new features based on user
feedback :)

(e.g. PEP 492's native coroutines needed some fairly major surgery
during the 3.5 beta, as the Cython and Tornado folks found that some
of the design decisions we'd made in the initial object model were
major barriers to interoperability with other event loops and third
party coroutine implementations)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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