[Python-ideas] real numbers with SI scale factors

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Mon Aug 29 16:55:28 EDT 2016

On 29.08.2016 11:37, Chris Angelico wrote:
> That's why I keep asking you for code examples. Real-world code, taken
> from important projects, that would be significantly improved by this
> proposal.

There was no reasonable real-world code examples taken from important 
projects, that would be significantly improved by underscores in numbers.

Still, we got them, so your argument here is void.

> It has to be Python 3 compatible (unless you reckon that
> this is the killer feature that will make people take the jump from
> 2.7), and it has to be enough of an improvement that its authors will
> be willing to drop support for <3.6 (which might be a trivial concern,
> eg if the author expects to be the only person running the code).
All of those "has to be"s are optional (cf. underscores in numbers) and 
that's not different for this proposal.


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