[Python-ideas] Let’s make escaping in f-literals impossible

Steve Dower steve.dower at python.org
Thu Aug 18 13:15:11 EDT 2016

On 18Aug2016 0950, Steve Dower wrote:
> I'm generally inclined to agree, especially as someone who is very
> likely to be implementing syntax highlighting and completion support
> within f-literals.

I also really don't like the subject line. "Do not require string 
escapes within expressions in f-literals" more accurately represents the 
topic and the suggestion.

"Let's make <anything> impossible" is just asking for a highly 
emotionally-charged discussion, which is best avoided in basically all 
circumstances, especially for less-frequent contributors to a community, 
and extra-especially when you haven't met most of the other contributors 
in person.


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