[Python-ideas] From mailing list to GitHub issues

Oleg Broytman phd at phdru.name
Sat Aug 13 12:36:06 EDT 2016

Hi! Let me completely disagree.

On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 04:31:06PM +0200, Arek Bulski <arek.bulski at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been a subscriber only for few weeks now but I dont like the mailing
> list at all. First, I get all the topics even tho Windows encoding is not
> of my interest. Second, most of the text is auto quotes anyway. Third,
> editing posts can sometimes be helpful, for correcting typos and such.
> I think it would be beneficial to use GitHub issues instead, one for each
> topic and perhaps one for general notifications like announcing new topics
> or forum wide announcements.
> Unfortunately it seems that moving away from existing ways always meets
> with a lot of inertia. On the other hand, python is probably one of most
> actively developed langs around so maybe it is doable. I put my proposal on
> the forum floor to discuss.
> Cheers to all active participants.

The advantages of email:

-- Push technology: it's delivered to my mailbox and I don't need to
   visit the discussion site.
-- I can filter incoming messages and deliver them to whatever mailboxes
   I prefer.
-- I can read it in any interface I prefer -- there are mail user agents
   with Web, GUI, TUI and command line interfaces.
-- I can filter and sort message in whatever order I prefer -- by
   discussion, by subtopic, by date, by author.
-- I can download the entire mail archive or its part to process it
   offline -- read it, search through it, write messages while offline
   to send them later.

The disadvantages of web chat/forum/trackers:

-- It forces me to always be online.
-- Very limited support for themes in the interface -- I can only read
   messages in whatever web interface the f..ing servers and the
   freaking browsers give me.
-- Very limited functionality for message filtering, sorting and searching.

     Oleg Broytman            http://phdru.name/            phd at phdru.name
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

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