[Python-ideas] Limits to ideas for proposal in ‘python-ideas’ (was: "else if" as equivalent for "elif")

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sun Oct 25 18:16:34 EDT 2015

"Sven R. Kunze" <srkunze at mail.de> writes:

> 2) Is Python not an open-source project? Could not anybody contribute?
> To me that means, the sky is the limit.

Easy for you to say, but that's not the limit. The limit in *this* forum
is the finite attention of the Python core developers.

If you want to discuss sky-is-the-limit ideas, use ‘python-list’ which
is a forum for all topics Python-related.

 \       “Repetition leads to boredom, boredom to horrifying mistakes, |
  `\       horrifying mistakes to God-I-wish-I-was-still-bored, and it |
_o__)              goes downhill from there.” —Will Larson, 2008-11-04 |
Ben Finney

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