[Python-ideas] Increasing public package discoverability (was: Adding jsonschema to the standard library)

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Thu May 28 01:16:04 CEST 2015

On 28 May 2015 04:46, "Paul Moore" <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27 May 2015 at 19:28, Demian Brecht <demianbrecht at gmail.com> wrote:
> > This is probably a silly idea, but given the above quote and the
new(er) focus on pip and distributed packages, has there been any
discussion around perhaps deprecating (and entirely removing from a Python
4 release) non-builtin packages and modules?
> It has been discussed on a number of occasions. The major issue with
> the idea is that a lot of people use Python in closed corporate
> environments, where access to the internet from tools such as pip can
> be restricted. Also, many companies have legal approval processes for
> software - getting approval for "Python" includes the standard
> library, but each external package required would need a separate,
> probably lengthy and possibly prohibitive, approval process before it
> could be used.
> So it's unlikely to ever happen, because it would cripple Python for a
> non-trivial group of its users.

I expect splitting the standard library into a minimal core and a suite of
default independently updatable add-ons will happen eventually, we just
need to help fix the broken way a lot of organisations currently work as we

Organisations that don't suitably adapt to the rise of open collaborative
models for infrastructure development are going to have a very rough time
of it in the coming years.


P.S. For a less verbally dense presentation of some of the concepts in that
article: http://www.redhat.com/en/explore/infrastructure/na

P.P.S. And for a book length exposition of these kinds of concepts:

> Paul
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