[Python-ideas] Adding jsonschema to the standard library

Demian Brecht demianbrecht at gmail.com
Thu May 21 07:29:15 CEST 2015

Disclaimer: I’m not the author of jsonschema (https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema), but as a user think that users of the standard library (and potentially areas of the standard library itself) could benefit from its addition into the standard library.

I’ve been using jsonschema for the better part of a couple years now and have found it not only invaluable, but flexible around the variety of applications it has. Personally, I generally use it for HTTP response validation when dealing with RESTful APIs and system configuration input validation. For those not familiar with the package:

RFC draft: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-04
Home: http://json-schema.org/
Proposed addition implementation: https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema

Coles notes stats:

Has been publicly available for over a year: v0.1 released Jan 1, 2012, currently at 2.4.0 (released Sept 22, 2014)
Heavily used by the community: Currently sees ~585k downloads per month according to PyPI

I’ve reached out to the author to express my interest in authoring a PEP to have the module included to gauge his interest in assisting with maintenance as needed during the integration period (or following). I’d also be personally interested in supporting it as part of the stdlib as well.

My question is: Is there any reason up front anyone can see that this addition wouldn’t fly, or are others interested in the addition as well?

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