[Python-ideas] "Loose" descriptors?

jedwards jheiv at jheiv.com
Sat Mar 28 23:27:49 CET 2015

(I apologize in advance if this was covered previously or elsewhere; a 
fairly thorough search didn't yield anything.)

Currently, we can implement a descriptor as follows:

class VerboseDescriptor(object):
    def __init__(self, init):
        self.val = init

    def __get__(self, obj, typ=None):
        print("Get is %s" % (self.val))
        return self.val

    def __set__(self, obj, val):
        print("Set to %s" % (val))
        self.val = val

class Holder(object):
    val = VerboseDescriptor(2)

foo = Holder()
_ = foo.val
foo.val = 4

Which of course works as expected, displaying:

> Get is 2
> Set to 4

But we can't achieve the same indirection without a "Holder"-type class.

That is, we can't do the following:

class VerboseDescriptor(object):
    def __init__(self, init):
        self.val = init

    def __get__(self, obj, typ=None):
        print("Get is %s" % (self.val))
        return self.val

    def __set__(self, obj, val):
        print("Set to %s" % (val))
        self.val = val

val = VerboseDescriptor(2)
_ = val
val = 4

Or rather, we can, but what might be expected (the same functionality / 
output), is not what occurs.

My understanding of the resolution of the first example is that python 
looks for `val` in `foo.__dict__`, then in `Holder.__dict__`, where it 
finds it, identifies that `Holder.val` implements `__get__`, and handles 
the indirection accordingly.

So `foo.val = 4` ends up being something like `Holder.val.__set__(foo, 4)`.

But my question is would it make sense to be able to do this sort of 
indirection for "loose" objects also, not just attributes of classes or 
instances?  In other words, could descriptors be extended so that they 
perform the same sort of indirection in the second example as the first?

I envision (but with no real knowledge of the implications of this) that 
just as python identifies that `val` in `Holder.__dict__` implements 
`__get__`, python could similarly identify that `val` in `globals()` (or 
`sys.modules[__name__].__dict__`, or wherever is more appropriate) 
implements `__get__` and handle the indirection.

Of course, a syntax issue would arise if this were possible -- notably the 
class definition of `Holder` would break.  So some syntax adjustment would 
have to be made.  But is this reasonable / of interest / attainable?

Thanks for your time and consideration.
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