[Python-ideas] 0-base and 1-base indexed iterables? Custom slicing rules?

pedro santos probiner at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 11:31:12 CET 2015

*Newbie slowly steps down from the table*

I guess then 1-indexing in most cases the it's something relegated to
fleshing, so that the index offset is done on the user level and not at the
code level. Yes because no one will pick a gambling dice with face 0 :P
I guess it's a matter of brain education... I did fell I needed to run a
bunch of tests just to re-assure myself about the 1-indexed problem being
solved with a 0-base representation. But I totally understand the arguments
presented here as code consistency also makes it more malleable and
somewhat more black-boxy. As someone that deals a lot with vectors with
linear color workflows I know that what could be a clean work environment
can be become a minefield of conversion routines that add an overhead to
the brain when trying to operate Frankenstein operations into data flow

Thanks for the extra discussion, especially when indexing was addressed
separately from slicing routines.


On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 7:52 PM, David Mertz <mertz at gnosis.cx> wrote:

> The strongest proof that mixed index bases are a bad idea is that this is
> a valid statement in VB6:
>   Dim array(1 to 10) as Integer
> For all X, if VB6 allows X, then X is a bad idea. :-)
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