[Python-ideas] Warn about comparing bytes to int for `python3 -b`

Brett Cannon bcannon at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 14:57:56 CET 2015

Just to update this thread, Serhiy beat me to a patch and committed it.
Through the change he found a few latent bugs in the stdlib itself so this
idea has already proven/paid for itself.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 1:25 PM Brett Cannon <bcannon at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 11:22 AM Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 2015-03-16 16:11 GMT+01:00 Brett Cannon <bcannon at gmail.com>:
>> > One of the rather subtle issues with writing Python 2/3 code is that
>> > indexing on bytes in Python 2 returns a length-1 bytes object while in
>> > Python 3 it returns an int. Because ==/!= always returns True/False it
>> can
>> > be a very subtle failure and tough to track down.
>> I worked on such patch in the past, but I lost it :-) I can help to
>> rewrite it if needed.
> I filed http://bugs.python.org/issue23681 if you want to help (although I
> don't expect the patch to be complicated; I might ask you for a code review
> though =).
>> So yes, it *is* very useful to port a large Python 2 project to Python 3.
>> For example, you may not be able to run your application with Python 3
>> because a third party library cannot be imported on Python 3, so it
>> blocks the whole work on porting an application to Python 3. Until the
>> module is ported, you may want to prepare the port. Checking
>> bytes==str just by reading the source code is difficult.
>> Other issues which can only be "seen" at runtime when running an
>> application on Python 3 :
>> - "x > 0" with x=None => TypeError is raised in Python 3
> Testing can easily catch that *and* have a traceback to trace down where
> the problem originated from, so I'm not worried.
>> - x / 8 where x is an int => becomes a float in Python 3, it's hard to
>> detect this issue in Python 2 just by reading the source code :-/
> -Q in Python 2 and/or adding the division __future__ statement solves this
> one.
> Basically I'm just trying to plug the last few holes that can't be
> automated by tools like Modernize or Futurize *and* won't surface where
> the problem is easily during testing under Python 2 or 3 (e.g., a traceback
> during testing makes it easy to find unless you swallow the exception, in
> which case a warning won't help you either if you use -Werror).
>> > What do people think of extending -b/-bb in Python 3 to warn when
>> performing
>> > equality between an int and a bytes object of any length? I don't want
>> to
>> > restrict to length-1 bytes objects because people may be doing
>> comparisons
>> > where the result can be length-1 or any other length and thus would
>> still
>> > have a subtle bug to pick up. Do people think this would raise a ton of
>> > false-positives? Would people find it useful?
>> First ensure that the stdlib doesn't raise any BytesWarning exception.
> Yep, I always test with -Werror whenever I muck with something that can
> raise a warning (side-effect from helping to write _warnings.c).
> -Brett
>> For example, os.get_exec_path() has to modify warnings filters
>> temporary in Python 3 :-/
>>     # {b'PATH': ...}.get('PATH') and {'PATH': ...}.get(b'PATH') emit a
>>     # BytesWarning when using python -b or python -bb: ignore the warning
>> Victor
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