[Python-ideas] IntFlags

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 16:31:25 CET 2015

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 2:17 AM, Andrew Barnert
<abarnert at yahoo.com.dmarc.invalid> wrote:
> Another issue that came up was that C flags often have "combined" names that are ambiguous: RDWR = RDONLY | WRONLY), which is fine until you want a repr (in C, it's just going to print 3); does it have to be smart enough to show RDWR? (Or, worse, RDWR | CLOEXEC.)

That could probably be handled by going through the flags in iteration
order. If the flag is present, emit it and move on. Something like

from enum import IntEnum

class Flags(IntEnum):
    RDWR = 3
    RDONLY = 1
    WRONLY = 2
    CLOEXEC = 4

def flag_str(flg):
    names = []
    for flag in Flags:
        if (flg&flag) == flag:
            flg -= flag
    return "|".join(names)


As long as the combined versions come up ahead of the others, they'll
be used. Alternatively, if you prefer them _not_ to be used, just put
them after the individual forms, and then the str() will expand them


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