[Python-ideas] IntFlags

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Tue Mar 3 23:29:34 CET 2015

On 03/03/2015 02:16 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 9:04 AM, Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au> wrote:
>> I agree. I presume IntEnum|IntEnum might return an IntFlags? Or would that
>> make for a TypeError or ValueError and one be expected to start with
>> IntFlags?
> That should be a sanity error, but since an IntEnum devolves to an
> int, it just produces a nonsensical integer. It definitely shouldn't
> become an IntFlags.

Agreed.  IntEnums are just fancy ints, and will continue to behave as ints with the exception of how they are displayed.

IntFlags, should such a thing come into being, can be more proprietary with its behavior.


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