[Python-ideas] User-defined literals

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 4 03:03:43 CEST 2015

On Jun 3, 2015, at 16:40, Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 9:03 AM, Andrew Barnert <abarnert at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Can you come up with an actual example where changing this up here gives this weird error somewhere else? If not, I doubt even the intrepid noobs of StackOverflow will come up with one.
>> Neither of the examples so far qualifies--the first one is an error that the design can never produce, and the second one is not weird or confusing any more than any other error in any dynamic languages.
> Anything that causes a different code path to be executed can do this.

Well, any expression causes a different code path to be executed than any different expression, or what would be the point? But how is this relevant here?

Is there an example where 1.2d would lead to "changing this up here gives this weird error somewhere else" that doesn't apply just as well to spam.eggs (or that's relevant or likely to come up or whatever in the case of 1.2d but not in the case of spam.eggs)?

Otherwise, you're just presenting an argument against dynamic languages--or maybe even against programming languages full stop (after all, the same kinds of things can happen in Haskell or C++, they just often happen at compile time, so you get to debug the same "weird error" earlier).

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