[Python-ideas] Adding ziplib

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 00:51:45 CET 2015

For simple use cases, there is shutil:

Le 17 févr. 2015 00:11, "Ryan Gonzalez" <rymg19 at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Python has support for several compression methods, which is great...sort
> of.
> Recently, I had to port an application that used zips to use tar+gzip. It
> *sucked*. Why? Inconsistency.
> For instance, zipfile uses write to add files, tar uses add. Then, tar has
> addfile (which confusingly does not add a file), and zip has writestr, for
> which a tar alternative has been proposed on the bug tracker
> <http://bugs.python.org/issue22208> but hasn't had any activity for a
> while.
> Then, zipfile and tarfile's extract methods have slightly different
> arguments. Zipinfo has namelist, and tarfile as getnames. It's all a mess.
> The idea is to reorganize Python's zip support just like the sha and md5
> modules were put into the hashlib module. Name? ziplib.
> It would have a few ABCs:
> - an ArchiveFile class that ZipFile and TarFile would derive from.
> - a BasicArchiveFile class that ArchiveFile extends. bz2, lzma, and
> (maybe) gzip would be derived from this one.
> - ArchiveFileInfo, which ZipInfo and TarInfo would derive from.
> ArchiveFile and ArchiveFileInfo go hand-in-hand.
> Now, the APIs would be more consistent. Of course, some have methods that
> others don't have, but the usage would be easier. zlib would be completely
> separate, since it has its own API and all.
> I'm not quite sure how gzip fits into this, since it has a very minimal
> API.
> Thoughts?
> --
> Ryan
> If anybody ever asks me why I prefer C++ to C, my answer will be simple:
> "It's becauseslejfp23(@#Q*(E*EIdc-SEGFAULT. Wait, I don't think that was
> nul-terminated."
> Personal reality distortion fields are immune to contradictory evidence. -
> srean
> Check out my website: http://kirbyfan64.github.io/
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