[Python-ideas] PEP 485: A Function for testing approximate equality

Neil Girdhar mistersheik at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 23:07:57 CET 2015

I'm +1 on the idea, +1 on the name, but -1 on symmetry.

I'm glad that you included "other approaches" (what people actually do in 
the field).  However, your argument that "is it that hard to just type it 
in" — the whole point of this method is to give a self-commenting line that 
describes what the reader means.  Doesn't it make sense to say:  is *my 
value* close to *some true value*?  If you wanted a symmetric test in 
english, you might say "are these values close to each other"?



On Thursday, February 5, 2015 at 12:14:25 PM UTC-5, Chris Barker - NOAA 
Federal wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Time for Take 2 (or is that take 200?)
> No, I haven't dropped this ;-) After the lengthy thread, I went through 
> and tried to take into account all the thoughts and comments. The result is 
> a PEP with a bunch more explanation, and some slightly different decisions.
> TL;DR:
> Please take a look and express your approval or disapproval (+1, +0, -0, 
> -1, or whatever). Please keep in mind that this has been discussed a lot, 
> so try to not to re-iterate what's already been said. And I'd really like 
> it if you only gave -1, thumbs down, etc, if you really think this is worse 
> than not having anything at all, rather than you'd just prefer something a 
> little different. Also, if you do think this version is worse than nothing, 
> but a different choice or two could change that, then let us know what -- 
> maybe we can reach consensus on something slightly different.
> Also keep in mid that the goal here (in the words of Nick Coghlan):
> """
> the key requirement here should be "provide a binary float
> comparison function that is significantly less wrong than the current
> 'a == b'"
> """
> No need to split hairs.
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0485/
> Full PEP below, and in gitHub (with example code, tests, etc.) here:
> https://github.com/PythonCHB/close_pep
> Full Detail:
> =========
> Here are the big changes:
>  * Symmetric test. Essentially, whether you want the symmetric or 
> asymmetric test depends on exactly what question you are asking, but I 
> think we need to pick one. It makes little to no difference for most use 
> cases (see below) , but I was persuaded by:
>   - Principle of least surprise -- equality is symmetric, shouldn't 
> "closeness" be too?
>   - People don't want to have to remember what order to put the arguments 
> --even if it doesn't matter, you have to think about whether it matters. A 
> symmetric test doesn't require that. 
>   - There are times when the order of comparison is not known -- for 
> example if the users wants to test a bunch of values all against each-other.
> On the other hand -- the asymmetric test is a better option only when you 
> are specifically asking the question: is this (computed) value within a 
> precise tolerance of another(known) value, and that tolerance is fairly 
> large (i.e 1% - 10%). While this was brought up on this thread, no one had 
> an actual use-case like that. And is it really that hard to write:
> known - computed <= 0.1* expected
> NOTE: that my example code has a flag with which you can pick which test 
> to use -- I did that for experimentation, but I think we want a simple API 
> here. As soon as you provide that option people need to concern themselves 
> with what to use.
> * Defaults: I set the default relative tolerance to 1e-9 -- because that 
> is a little more than half the precision available in a Python float, and 
> it's the largest tolerance for which ALL the possible tests result in 
> exactly the same result for all possible float values (see the PEP for the 
> math). The default for absolute tolerance is 0.0. Better for people to get 
> a failed test with a check for zero right away than accidentally use a 
> totally inappropriate value.
> Contentious Issues
> ===============
> * The Symmetric vs. Asymmetric thing -- some folks seemed to have string 
> ideas about that, but i hope we can all agree that something is better than 
> nothing, and symmetric is probably the least surprising. And take a look at 
> the math in teh PEP -- for small tolerance, which is the likely case for 
> most tests -- it literally makes no difference at all which test is used.
> * Default for abs_tol -- or even whether to have it or not. This is a 
> tough one -- there are a lot of use-cases for people testing against zero, 
> so it's a pity not to have it do something reasonable by default in that 
> case. However, there really is no reasonable universal default.
> As Guido said:
>  """
> For someone who for whatever reason is manipulating quantities that are in 
> the range of 1e-100,
> 1e-12 is about as large as infinity.
> """
> And testing against zero really requires a absolute tolerance test, which 
> is not hard to simply write:
> abs(my_val) <= some_tolerance
> and is covered by the unittest assert already.
> So why include an absolute_tolerance at all? -- Because this is likely to 
> be used inside a comprehension or in the a unittest sequence comparison, so 
> it is very helpful to be able to test a bunch of values some of which may 
> be zero, all with a single function with a single set of parameters. And a 
> similar approach has proven to be useful for numpy and the statistics test 
> module. And again, the default is abs_tol=0.0 -- if the user sticks with 
> defaults, they won't get bitten.
> * Also -- not really contentious (I hope) but I left the details out about 
> how the unittest assertion would work. That's because I don't really use 
> unittest -- I'm hoping someone else will write that. If it comes down to 
> it, I can do it -- it will probably look a lot like the existing sequence 
> comparing assertions.
> OK -- I think that's it.
> Let's see if we can drive this home.
> -Chris
> PEP: 485
> Title: A Function for testing approximate equality
> Version: $Revision$
> Last-Modified: $Date$
> Author: Christopher Barker <Chris.... at noaa.gov <javascript:>>
> Status: Draft
> Type: Standards Track
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 20-Jan-2015
> Python-Version: 3.5
> Post-History:
> Abstract
> ========
> This PEP proposes the addition of a function to the standard library
> that determines whether one value is approximately equal or "close" to
> another value. It is also proposed that an assertion be added to the
> ``unittest.TestCase`` class to provide easy access for those using
> unittest for testing.
> Rationale
> =========
> Floating point values contain limited precision, which results in
> their being unable to exactly represent some values, and for error to
> accumulate with repeated computation.  As a result, it is common
> advice to only use an equality comparison in very specific situations.
> Often a inequality comparison fits the bill, but there are times
> (often in testing) where the programmer wants to determine whether a
> computed value is "close" to an expected value, without requiring them
> to be exactly equal. This is common enough, particularly in testing,
> and not always obvious how to do it, so it would be useful addition to
> the standard library.
> Existing Implementations
> ------------------------
> The standard library includes the ``unittest.TestCase.assertAlmostEqual``
> method, but it:
> * Is buried in the unittest.TestCase class
> * Is an assertion, so you can't use it as a general test at the command
>   line, etc. (easily)
> * Is an absolute difference test. Often the measure of difference
>   requires, particularly for floating point numbers, a relative error,
>   i.e "Are these two values within x% of each-other?", rather than an
>   absolute error. Particularly when the magnatude of the values is
>   unknown a priori.
> The numpy package has the ``allclose()`` and ``isclose()`` functions,
> but they are only available with numpy.
> The statistics package tests include an implementation, used for its
> unit tests.
> One can also find discussion and sample implementations on Stack
> Overflow and other help sites.
> Many other non-python systems provide such a test, including the Boost C++
> library and the APL language (reference?).
> These existing implementations indicate that this is a common need and
> not trivial to write oneself, making it a candidate for the standard
> library.
> Proposed Implementation
> =======================
> NOTE: this PEP is the result of an extended discussion on the
> python-ideas list [1]_.
> The new function will have the following signature::
>   is_close(a, b, rel_tolerance=1e-9, abs_tolerance=0.0)
> ``a`` and ``b``: are the two values to be tested to relative closeness
> ``rel_tolerance``: is the relative tolerance -- it is the amount of
> error allowed, relative to the magnitude a and b. For example, to set
> a tolerance of 5%, pass tol=0.05. The default tolerance is 1e-8, which
> assures that the two values are the same within about 8 decimal
> digits.
> ``abs_tolerance``: is an minimum absolute tolerance level -- useful for
> comparisons near zero.
> Modulo error checking, etc, the function will return the result of::
>   abs(a-b) <= max( rel_tolerance * min(abs(a), abs(b), abs_tolerance )
> Handling of non-finite numbers
> ------------------------------
> The IEEE 754 special values of NaN, inf, and -inf will be handled
> according to IEEE rules. Specifically, NaN is not considered close to
> any other value, including NaN. inf and -inf are only considered close
> to themselves.
> Non-float types
> ---------------
> The primary use-case is expected to be floating point numbers.
> However, users may want to compare other numeric types similarly. In
> theory, it should work for any type that supports ``abs()``,
> comparisons, and subtraction.  The code will be written and tested to
> accommodate these types:
> * ``Decimal``: for Decimal, the tolerance must be set to a Decimal type.
> * ``int``
> * ``Fraction``
> * ``complex``: for complex, ``abs(z)`` will be used for scaling and
>   comparison.
> Behavior near zero
> ------------------
> Relative comparison is problematic if either value is zero. By
> definition, no value is small relative to zero. And computationally,
> if either value is zero, the difference is the absolute value of the
> other value, and the computed absolute tolerance will be rel_tolerance
> times that value. rel-tolerance is always less than one, so the
> difference will never be less than the tolerance.
> However, while mathematically correct, there are many use cases where
> a user will need to know if a computed value is "close" to zero. This
> calls for an absolute tolerance test. If the user needs to call this
> function inside a loop or comprehension, where some, but not all, of
> the expected values may be zero, it is important that both a relative
> tolerance and absolute tolerance can be tested for with a single
> function with a single set of parameters.
> There is a similar issue if the two values to be compared straddle zero:
> if a is approximately equal to -b, then a and b will never be computed
> as "close".
> To handle this case, an optional parameter, ``abs_tolerance`` can be
> used to set a minimum tolerance used in the case of very small or zero
> computed absolute tolerance. That is, the values will be always be
> considered close if the difference between them is less than the
> abs_tolerance
> The default absolute tolerance value is set to zero because there is
> no value that is appropriate for the general case. It is impossible to
> know an appropriate value without knowing the likely values expected
> for a given use case. If all the values tested are on order of one,
> then a value of about 1e-8 might be appropriate, but that would be far
> too large if expected values are on order of 1e-12 or smaller.
> Any non-zero default might result in user's tests passing totally
> inappropriately. If, on the other hand a test against zero fails the
> first time with defaults, a user will be prompted to select an
> appropriate value for the problem at hand in order to get the test to
> pass.
> NOTE: that the author of this PEP has resolved to go back over many of
> his tests that use the numpy ``all_close()`` function, which provides
> a default abs_tolerance, and make sure that the default value is
> appropriate.
> If the user sets the rel_tolerance parameter to 0.0, then only the
> absolute tolerance will effect the result. While not the goal of the
> function, it does allow it to be used as a purely absolute tolerance
> check as well.
> unittest assertion
> -------------------
> [need text here]
> implementation
> --------------
> A sample implementation is available (as of Jan 22, 2015) on gitHub:
> https://github.com/PythonCHB/close_pep/blob/master
> This implementation has a flag that lets the user select which
> relative tolerance test to apply -- this PEP does not suggest that
> that be retained, but rather than the strong test be selected.
> Relative Difference
> ===================
> There are essentially two ways to think about how close two numbers
> are to each-other:
> Absolute difference: simply ``abs(a-b)``
> Relative difference: ``abs(a-b)/scale_factor`` [2]_.
> The absolute difference is trivial enough that this proposal focuses
> on the relative difference.
> Usually, the scale factor is some function of the values under
> consideration, for instance:
> 1) The absolute value of one of the input values
> 2) The maximum absolute value of the two
> 3) The minimum absolute value of the two.
> 4) The absolute value of the arithmetic mean of the two
> These lead to the following possibilities for determining if two
> values, a and b, are close to each other.
> 1) ``abs(a-b) <= tol*abs(a)``
> 2) ``abs(a-b) <= tol * max( abs(a), abs(b) )``
> 3) ``abs(a-b) <= tol * min( abs(a), abs(b) )``
> 4) ``abs(a-b) <= tol * (a + b)/2``
> NOTE: (2) and (3) can also be written as:
> 2) ``(abs(a-b) <= tol*abs(a)) or (abs(a-b) <= tol*abs(a))``
> 3) ``(abs(a-b) <= tol*abs(a)) and (abs(a-b) <= tol*abs(a))``
> (Boost refers to these as the "weak" and "strong" formulations [3]_)
> These can be a tiny bit more computationally efficient, and thus are
> used in the example code.
> Each of these formulations can lead to slightly different results.
> However, if the tolerance value is small, the differences are quite
> small. In fact, often less than available floating point precision.
> How much difference does it make?
> ---------------------------------
> When selecting a method to determine closeness, one might want to know
> how much  of a difference it could make to use one test or the other
> -- i.e. how many values are there (or what range of values) that will
> pass one test, but not the other.
> The largest difference is between options (2) and (3) where the
> allowable absolute difference is scaled by either the larger or
> smaller of the values.
> Define ``delta`` to be the difference between the allowable absolute
> tolerance defined by the larger value and that defined by the smaller
> value. That is, the amount that the two input values need to be
> different in order to get a different result from the two tests.
> ``tol`` is the relative tolerance value.
> Assume that ``a`` is the larger value and that both ``a`` and ``b``
> are positive, to make the analysis a bit easier. ``delta`` is
> therefore::
>   delta = tol * (a-b)
> or::
>   delta / tol = (a-b)
> The largest absolute difference that would pass the test: ``(a-b)``,
> equals the tolerance times the larger value::
>   (a-b) = tol * a
> Substituting into the expression for delta::
>   delta / tol = tol * a
> so::
>   delta = tol**2 * a
> For example, for ``a = 10``, ``b = 9``, ``tol = 0.1`` (10%):
> maximum tolerance ``tol * a == 0.1 * 10 == 1.0``
> minimum tolerance ``tol * b == 0.1 * 9.0 == 0.9``
> delta = ``(1.0 - 0.9) * 0.1 = 0.1`` or  ``tol**2 * a = 0.1**2 * 10 = .01``
> The absolute difference between the maximum and minimum tolerance
> tests in this case could be substantial. However, the primary use
> case for the proposed function is testing the results of computations.
> In that case a relative tolerance is likely to be selected of much
> smaller magnitude.
> For example, a relative tolerance of ``1e-8`` is about half the
> precision available in a python float. In that case, the difference
> between the two tests is ``1e-8**2 * a`` or ``1e-16 * a``, which is
> close to the limit of precision of a python float. If the relative
> tolerance is set to the proposed default of 1e-9 (or smaller), the
> difference between the two tests will be lost to the limits of
> precision of floating point. That is, each of the four methods will
> yield exactly the same results for all values of a and b.
> In addition, in common use, tolerances are defined to 1 significant
> figure -- that is, 1e-8 is specifying about 8 decimal digits of
> accuracy. So the difference between the various possible tests is well
> below the precision to which the tolerance is specified.
> Symmetry
> --------
> A relative comparison can be either symmetric or non-symmetric. For a
> symmetric algorithm:
> ``is_close_to(a,b)`` is always the same as ``is_close_to(b,a)``
> If a relative closeness test uses only one of the values (such as (1)
> above), then the result is asymmetric, i.e. is_close_to(a,b) is not
> necessarily the same as is_close_to(b,a).
> Which approach is most appropriate depends on what question is being
> asked. If the question is: "are these two numbers close to each
> other?", there is no obvious ordering, and a symmetric test is most
> appropriate.
> However, if the question is: "Is the computed value within x% of this
> known value?", then it is appropriate to scale the tolerance to the
> known value, and an asymmetric test is most appropriate.
> From the previous section, it is clear that either approach would
> yield the same or similar results in the common use cases. In that
> case, the goal of this proposal is to provide a function that is least
> likely to produce surprising results.
> The symmetric approach provide an appealing consistency -- it
> mirrors the symmetry of equality, and is less likely to confuse
> people. A symmetric test also relieves the user of the need to think
> about the order in which to set the arguments.  It was also pointed
> out that there may be some cases where the order of evaluation may not
> be well defined, for instance in the case of comparing a set of values
> all against each other.
> There may be cases when a user does need to know that a value is
> within a particular range of a known value. In that case, it is easy
> enough to simply write the test directly::
>   if a-b <= tol*a:
> (assuming a > b in this case). There is little need to provide a
> function for this particular case.
> This proposal uses a symmetric test.
> Which symmetric test?
> ---------------------
> There are three symmetric tests considered:
> The case that uses the arithmetic mean of the two values requires that
> the value be either added together before dividing by 2, which could
> result in extra overflow to inf for very large numbers, or require
> each value to be divided by two before being added together, which
> could result in underflow to -inf for very small numbers. This effect
> would only occur at the very limit of float values, but it was decided
> there as no benefit to the method worth reducing the range of
> functionality.
> This leaves the boost "weak" test (2)-- or using the smaller value to
> scale the tolerance, or the Boost "strong" (3) test, which uses the
> smaller of the values to scale the tolerance. For small tolerance,
> they yield the same result, but this proposal uses the boost "strong"
> test case: it is symmetric and provides a slightly stricter criteria
> for tolerance.
> Defaults
> ========
> Default values are required for the relative and absolute tolerance.
> Relative Tolerance Default
> --------------------------
> The relative tolerance required for two values to be considered
> "close" is entirely use-case dependent. Nevertheless, the relative
> tolerance needs to be less than 1.0, and greater than 1e-16
> (approximate precision of a python float). The value of 1e-9 was
> selected because it is the largest relative tolerance for which the
> various possible methods will yield the same result, and it is also
> about half of the precision available to a python float. In the
> general case, a good numerical algorithm is not expected to lose more
> than about half of available digits of accuracy, and if a much larger
> tolerance is acceptable, the user should be considering the proper
> value in that case. Thus 1-e9 is expected to "just work" for many
> cases.
> Absolute tolerance default
> --------------------------
> The absolute tolerance value will be used primarily for comparing to
> zero. The absolute tolerance required to determine if a value is
> "close" to zero is entirely use-case dependent. There is also
> essentially no bounds to the useful range -- expected values would
> conceivably be anywhere within the limits of a python float.  Thus a
> default of 0.0 is selected.
> If, for a given use case, a user needs to compare to zero, the test
> will be guaranteed to fail the first time, and the user can select an
> appropriate value.
> It was suggested that comparing to zero is, in fact, a common use case
> (evidence suggest that the numpy functions are often used with zero).
> In this case, it would be desirable to have a "useful" default. Values
> around 1-e8 were suggested, being about half of floating point
> precision for values of around value 1.
> However, to quote The Zen: "In the face of ambiguity, refuse the
> temptation to guess." Guessing that users will most often be concerned
> with values close to 1.0 would lead to spurious passing tests when used
> with smaller values -- this is potentially more damaging than
> requiring the user to thoughtfully select an appropriate value.
> Expected Uses
> =============
> The primary expected use case is various forms of testing -- "are the
> results computed near what I expect as a result?" This sort of test
> may or may not be part of a formal unit testing suite. Such testing
> could be used one-off at the command line, in an iPython notebook,
> part of doctests, or simple assets in an ``if __name__ == "__main__"``
> block.
> The proposed unitest.TestCase assertion would have course be used in
> unit testing.
> It would also be an appropriate function to use for the termination
> criteria for a simple iterative solution to an implicit function::
>     guess = something
>     while True:
>         new_guess = implicit_function(guess, *args)
>         if is_close(new_guess, guess):
>             break
>         guess = new_guess
> Inappropriate uses
> ------------------
> One use case for floating point comparison is testing the accuracy of
> a numerical algorithm. However, in this case, the numerical analyst
> ideally would be doing careful error propagation analysis, and should
> understand exactly what to test for. It is also likely that ULP (Unit
> in the Last Place) comparison may be called for. While this function
> may prove useful in such situations, It is not intended to be used in
> that way.
> Other Approaches
> ================
> ``unittest.TestCase.assertAlmostEqual``
> ---------------------------------------
> (
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestCase.assertAlmostEqual
> )
> Tests that values are approximately (or not approximately) equal by
> computing the difference, rounding to the given number of decimal
> places (default 7), and comparing to zero.
> This method is purely an absolute tolerance test, and does not address
> the need for a relative tolerance test.
> numpy ``is_close()``
> --------------------
> http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-dev/reference/generated/numpy.isclose.html
> The numpy package provides the vectorized functions is_close() and
> all_close, for similar use cases as this proposal:
> ``isclose(a, b, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False)``
>       Returns a boolean array where two arrays are element-wise equal
>       within a tolerance.
>       The tolerance values are positive, typically very small numbers.
>       The relative difference (rtol * abs(b)) and the absolute
>       difference atol are added together to compare against the
>       absolute difference between a and b
> In this approach, the absolute and relative tolerance are added
> together, rather than the ``or`` method used in this proposal. This is
> computationally more simple, and if relative tolerance is larger than
> the absolute tolerance, then the addition will have no effect. However,
> if the absolute and relative tolerances are of similar magnitude, then
> the allowed difference will be about twice as large as expected.
> This makes the function harder to understand, with no computational
> advantage in this context.
> Even more critically, if the values passed in are small compared to
> the absolute  tolerance, then the relative tolerance will be
> completely swamped, perhaps unexpectedly.
> This is why, in this proposal, the absolute tolerance defaults to zero
> -- the user will be required to choose a value appropriate for the
> values at hand.
> Boost floating-point comparison
> -------------------------------
> The Boost project ( [3]_ ) provides a floating point comparison
> function. Is is a symmetric approach, with both "weak" (larger of the
> two relative errors) and "strong" (smaller of the two relative errors)
> options. This proposal uses the Boost "strong" approach. There is no
> need to complicate the API by providing the option to select different
> methods when the results will be similar in most cases, and the user
> is unlikely to know which to select in any case.
> Alternate Proposals
> -------------------
> A Recipe
> '''''''''
> The primary alternate proposal was to not provide a standard library
> function at all, but rather, provide a recipe for users to refer to.
> This would have the advantage that the recipe could provide and
> explain the various options, and let the user select that which is
> most appropriate. However, that would require anyone needing such a
> test to, at the very least, copy the function into their code base,
> and select the comparison method to use.
> In addition, adding the function to the standard library allows it to
> be used in the ``unittest.TestCase.assertIsClose()`` method, providing
> a substantial convenience to those using unittest.
> ``zero_tol``
> ''''''''''''
> One possibility was to provide a zero tolerance parameter, rather than
> the absolute tolerance parameter. This would be an absolute tolerance
> that would only be applied in the case of one of the arguments being
> exactly zero. This would have the advantage of retaining the full
> relative tolerance behavior for all non-zero values, while allowing
> tests against zero to work. However, it would also result in the
> potentially surprising result that a small value could be "close" to
> zero, but not "close" to an even smaller value. e.g., 1e-10 is "close"
> to zero, but not "close" to 1e-11.
> No absolute tolerance
> '''''''''''''''''''''
> Given the issues with comparing to zero, another possibility would
> have been to only provide a relative tolerance, and let every
> comparison to zero fail. In this case, the user would need to do a
> simple absolute test: `abs(val) < zero_tol` in the case where the
> comparison involved zero.
> However, this would not allow the same call to be used for a sequence
> of values, such as in a loop or comprehension, or in the
> ``TestCase.assertClose()`` method. Making the function far less
> useful. It is noted that the default abs_tolerance=0.0 achieves the
> same effect if the default is not overidden.
> Other tests
> ''''''''''''
> The other tests considered are all discussed in the Relative Error
> section above.
> References
> ==========
> .. [1] Python-ideas list discussion threads
>    https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2015-January/030947.html
>    https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2015-January/031124.html
>    https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2015-January/031313.html
> .. [2] Wikipedia page on relative difference
>    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_change_and_difference
> .. [3] Boost project floating-point comparison algorithms
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_35_0/libs/test/doc/components/test_tools/floating_point_comparison.html
> .. Bruce Dawson's discussion of floating point.
> https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/comparing-floating-point-numbers-2012-edition/
> Copyright
> =========
> This document has been placed in the public domain.
> ..
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> -- 
> Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
> Oceanographer
> Emergency Response Division
> NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
> 7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
> Seattle, WA  98115       (206) 526-6317   main reception
> Chris.... at noaa.gov <javascript:>
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